The downfall of Boris Johnson,incompetent liar

The downfall of Boris Johnson,incompetent liar

Boris Johnson didn’t bother to calculate that his lies might not be believed. So,at last,he’s finished.

  • byGwynne Dyer


After outcry,Boris Johnson defends 24/7 electronic monitoring of asylum seekers

After outcry,Boris Johnson defends 24/7 electronic monitoring of asylum seekers

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain has defended his government’s plans to electronically tag asylum-seekers who cross the English Channel.

  • byEuan Ward
Britain moves to rewrite Brexit rules on Northern Ireland

Britain moves to rewrite Brexit rules on Northern Ireland

Boris Johnson says a new bill is “relatively trivial”,but the European Union is threatening legal action.

  • bySylvia Hui andDanica Kirka
Boris Johnson orders one in five public service jobs cut as post-Brexit economy stalls

Boris Johnson orders one in five public service jobs cut as post-Brexit economy stalls

Ministers were given one month to come up with plans to cut civil service employee numbers by 91,000.

  • byJahnavi Nidumolu
With all eyes on China,Putin seized his opportunity,Theresa May tells Julia Gillard

With all eyes on China,Putin seized his opportunity,Theresa May tells Julia Gillard

Former UK prime minister Theresa May and Australia’s former leader Julia Gillard debated the rise of strongman politics in “a world of absolutism”.

  • byLatika Bourke
Macron,as president of EU,wants more military power for the bloc

Macron,as president of EU,wants more military power for the bloc

French leader lays out plans to ramp up the Continent’s defence autonomy during his six months at the helm. France would be in pole position for contracts.

  • byHenry Samuel
The next skill shortfall for Brexit Britain could be bankers

The next skill shortfall for Brexit Britain could be bankers

First,the lorry drivers dried up. Now,lobbyists in post-Brexit Britain are warning of another looming skills shortage:bankers.

  • byHarry Wilson
French swipe at ‘fraudulent’ Brexit as panic buying drains Britain’s petrol pumps

French swipe at ‘fraudulent’ Brexit as panic buying drains Britain’s petrol pumps

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is reported to be mulling calling in the army to deliver supplies to petrol stations.

  • byWilliam James
Weight for it:Britain plans return of imperial weights and measures

Weight for it:Britain plans return of imperial weights and measures

In Brexit’s wake,Boris Johnson will allow traders to revert to selling by the inch,the pound or the pint.

  • byJenny Gross
The last straw:Brexit woes force McDonald’s to downsize milkshake menu

The last straw:Brexit woes force McDonald’s to downsize milkshake menu

Britain’s fast-food supply chains have been hit hard as European truck drivers leave the country as Nandos and KFC also report shortages.

  • byPaul Sandle
How Morrison could ride the national tide of impatience

How Morrison could ride the national tide of impatience

Voters are losing their patience with the pandemic. It’s a risk for all politicians,but the timing may yet work in the Prime Minister’s favour.

  • bySean Kelly