Migration debate is more nuanced than critics think

Migration debate is more nuanced than critics think

Large scale migration will only be sustainable if it is integrated into a well thought out program of national development.


Was the alliance's Syrian shock and awe just a useful diversion?

Was the alliance's Syrian shock and awe just a useful diversion?

So long as al-Assad sticks to the conventional weapons he has used he will face little or no interference from the West.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Casino limbo may show rebuild deal was never a win for Canberra

Casino limbo may show rebuild deal was never a win for Canberra

The benefits of a project redeveloping Canberra's casino are still questionable.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Calvary Hospital allegations need to be investigated

Calvary Hospital allegations need to be investigated

Whistleblowers have spoken out in the hope action will be taken - let's hope it is.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Has enough been done to prevent more deaths at the AMC?

Has enough been done to prevent more deaths at the AMC?

Nobody will ever know whether earlier implementation of reforms could have prevented Mr Freeman's death.

  • byThe Canberra Times
The latest ACT building quality inquiry is as welcome as it is overdue

The latest ACT building quality inquiry is as welcome as it is overdue

One of the factors driving the latest inquiry is the claim that shoddy building work has cost Canberrans more than $100 million in the last year

  • byThe Canberra Times
Australia needs to pay close attention to its neighbourhood

Australia needs to pay close attention to its neighbourhood

The ancient adage,to beware of Greeks bearing gifts,applies to modern China in spades. Its practice of providing easy credit to small nations is the modern version of the Trojan horse.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Is the container recycling scheme a costly feel good exercise?

Is the container recycling scheme a costly feel good exercise?

The last thing Canberra needs is a socially regressive indirect tax on consumer beverages imposed in the name of alleged environmental benefits of dubious legitimacy.

  • byThe Canberra Times
How much worse does Syria have to get before we say enough is enough?

How much worse does Syria have to get before we say enough is enough?

The conclusion to be drawn is that the mechanisms of international diplomacy are powerless to stop this type of tragedy.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Wastewater data provides wealth of knowledge on drug use

Wastewater data provides wealth of knowledge on drug use

The authorities should be applauded for bringing such an innovative and cost-effective approach to the issue of drug use.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Human rights are being denied to migrant women,some of the most vulnerable in the community,and it has to stop

Human rights are being denied to migrant women,some of the most vulnerable in the community,and it has to stop

Domestic violence victims on visas are subject to deportation is they disclose the violence and leave the perpetrator.

  • byThe Canberra Times