A statesmanlike John Howard offers a lesson in leadership

A statesmanlike John Howard offers a lesson in leadership

It may just be that some individuals,such as Mr Abbott,would rather reign in the hell of Opposition.

  • byThe Canberra Times


Canberra tourism jobs growth points to a diversified future

Canberra tourism jobs growth points to a diversified future

Canberra's tourism boom is significant in that it marks a welcome degree of diversification within a local economy that has long been overly dependent on the public sector.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Coalition's obsession with Liddell sends mixed messages on energy

Coalition's obsession with Liddell sends mixed messages on energy

The real story here is that the Coalition's discredited right wing rump continues to fight Australia's inevitable,and overdue,transition to renewables tooth and nail for reasons of its own.

  • byCanberra Times
Winnie Mandela's complex legacy is a cautionary tale for female revolutionaries

Winnie Mandela's complex legacy is a cautionary tale for female revolutionaries

During her own lengthy periods of imprisonment and exile Madikizela-Mandela suffered indignities and humiliations at least as bad as anything inflicted on her husband and quite possibly worse.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Smith,Warner and Bancroft should not appeal their suspensions

Smith,Warner and Bancroft should not appeal their suspensions

One issue that does need to be addressed is the complicity of Cricket Australia's senior leadership in creating the"win at all costs"culture.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Planning rebuff shows Canberrans deserve better

Planning rebuff shows Canberrans deserve better

In the early 2000s,Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht is credited with first coining the term"solastalgia".

  • byThe Canberra Times
ACT care and protection report paints worrying picture for our children

ACT care and protection report paints worrying picture for our children

More needs to be done to help kids involved in the child protection system.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Easter's message of sacrifice throws public morality into sharp relief

Easter's message of sacrifice throws public morality into sharp relief

We all share one small planet. None of us are going to get out alive. Shouldn't we all behave like friends?

  • byThe Canberra Times
ACT Government's bicycle commuting target was ambitious but commendable

ACT Government's bicycle commuting target was ambitious but commendable

The best way to get cyclists to commute would be to spread the message that they are also entitled to use the road network and are actually delivering a community good.

  • byThe Canberra Times
Government could learn much from Shorten's willingness to listen on tax credits

Government could learn much from Shorten's willingness to listen on tax credits

Most people familiar with recent developments in Australian business and manufacturing would be well aware much of the current investment taking place is intended to eliminate jobs,not create them.

  • byThe Canberra Times
The Australian cricket cheating fiasco is a sporting tragedy

The Australian cricket cheating fiasco is a sporting tragedy

Smith and his mates wear the hallowed baggy green which has been made sacred by champions.

  • byThe Canberra Times