I'm looking for a letter which says"don't extend the Australian War Memorial,demolish it".
Does this lack of signage assist in car park revenue collection?
A few years ago,a friend told me about a lurk one of his wealthy business mates was engaged in.
The possible electrocution risk is not the only problem facing Canberra's outrageously expensive light rail project.
Seeing the photographs of farmers with sheep protesting outside Old Parliament House brought back humorous memories.
Looking at the various problems facing Canberra in 2019,I realised what we need to do is to move on from"sustainability"and downsize Canberra.
The political game playing in Parliament – particularly on the government benches – on the last sitting day of the year was disgraceful.
The spectacular achievements of the Australian Corps under Sir John Monash in France have always been buried under the fanfare for the sad Gallipoli debacle.
Want a solution to urban sprawl? How about curbing population growth?
I ponder the opportunity cost of $1 billion,the endless months of construction chaos and loss of trees.
Shane Rattenbury's $100 analogy falls flat when it comes to supporting the case for a 100 per cent renewable energy target.