Police take formal statement from former boyfriend of Porter rape accuser

Police take formal statement from former boyfriend of Porter rape accuser

James Hooke,a former boyfriend of the woman,made a statement to police last month on the allegation. But the investigation remains closed.

  • byFergus Hunter


Google searches for Christian Porter jumped after ABC report,lawyers say

Google searches for Christian Porter jumped after ABC report,lawyers say

The Liberal minister was not named in an ABC article at the centre of his defamation claim but his lawyers say he was identified via other means.

  • byMichaela Whitbourn
Tasmanian Speaker says Liberal senator questioned Brittany Higgins’ drunkenness

Tasmanian Speaker says Liberal senator questioned Brittany Higgins’ drunkenness

Tasmanian MP Sue Hickey said Liberal senator Eric Abetz said former federal staffer Brittany Higgins was “disgustingly drunk” — an allegation he denies.

  • byAngus Livingston andNick Bonyhady
PM considers reshuffle to move Christian Porter and Linda Reynolds

PM considers reshuffle to move Christian Porter and Linda Reynolds

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is considering legal advice about Attorney-General Christian Porter in a step that could lead him to move the cabinet minister to a different position.

  • byDavid Crowe
Federal integrity commission would shield politicians from scrutiny

Federal integrity commission would shield politicians from scrutiny

The proposed Commonwealth Integrity Commission is more likely to protect politicians than expose corruption.

  • byMark Le Grand
‘Muddies the waters’:Lawyer says Porter can’t form integrity body while facing rape accusation

‘Muddies the waters’:Lawyer says Porter can’t form integrity body while facing rape accusation

The Attorney-General’s model for an anti-corruption commission has been slammed as a sham and a “deliberate political diversion designed to shield the public sector,and in particular politicians and their staff,from proper scrutiny”.

  • byChip Le Grand
ABC boss defends coverage of Porter rape allegation as ‘highest quality’ journalism

ABC boss defends coverage of Porter rape allegation as ‘highest quality’ journalism

David Anderson said he was confident the quality of the broadcaster’s coverage would be borne out in defamation proceedings launched by Attorney-General Christian Porter.

  • byLisa Visentin
Morrison can prove he wants change by setting quotas for women MPs

Morrison can prove he wants change by setting quotas for women MPs

The lack of women in the Liberal Party will not fix itself.

  • The Herald's View
AFP boss confirms all information on Porter allegation was passed to NSW Police

AFP boss confirms all information on Porter allegation was passed to NSW Police

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw also told Senate estimates he personally briefed Prime Minister Scott Morrison about the allegation over the phone last month.

  • byAnthony Galloway andKatina Curtis
‘They’re dealing with steel’:the lawyer fighting for Christian Porter

‘They’re dealing with steel’:the lawyer fighting for Christian Porter

Rebekah Giles has become the go-to lawyer for powerful people whose lives have been blown apart by scandal

  • byAnne Hyland
Defeat on industrial relations must not be the end of reform

Defeat on industrial relations must not be the end of reform

The Prime Minister has ended a difficult week by admitting defeat on what was supposed to be an important economic reform for his government.

  • The Herald's View