Porter’s elevation betrays PM’s chilling apathy towards survivors

Porter’s elevation betrays PM’s chilling apathy towards survivors

To see Christian Porter assume the role of leader of the House of Representatives is an insult to all survivors of sexual abuse.

  • byGrace Tame


ABC defence to Porter defamation case to be scrubbed from public court file

ABC defence to Porter defamation case to be scrubbed from public court file

The Federal Court has ordered that secret parts of the ABC’s written defence to a defamation suit brought against it by cabinet minister Christian Porter should be removed from its public records.

  • byMichaela Whitbourn
ABC defence in Porter defamation case can be given to SA Coroner,court orders

ABC defence in Porter defamation case can be given to SA Coroner,court orders

The Federal Court varied suppression orders on Wednesday to allow redacted parts of the ABC’s defence to be given to the South Australian Coroner.

  • byMichaela Whitbourn
Christian Porter and barrister facing $550,000 costs bill,court hears

Christian Porter and barrister facing $550,000 costs bill,court hears

The federal Liberal minister and his barrister have asked Jo Dyer’s lawyers to produce timesheets and other documents explaining how the costs were incurred.

  • byMichaela Whitbourn
Locally produced mRNA vaccine won’t be available until at least 2023

Locally produced mRNA vaccine won’t be available until at least 2023

Scientists are calling for more investment in local mRNA vaccine manufacturing as other countries in the region sign with global partners for mRNA facilities.

  • byDavid Crowe
Christian Porter’s barrister urges removal of ABC defence from court file

Christian Porter’s barrister urges removal of ABC defence from court file

Media organisations,including Nine,are fighting to gain access to 27 pages of the ABC’s 37-page defence,which are redacted under a temporary suppression order.

  • byMichaela Whitbourn
Christian Porter seeking unredacted Annabel Crabb text messages in court appeal

Christian Porter seeking unredacted Annabel Crabb text messages in court appeal

Mr Porter is seeking to overturn three judgments and a suppression order in a case linked to his ABC defamation proceedings.

  • byGeorgina Mitchell
Christian Porter rape allegation documents revealed

Christian Porter rape allegation documents revealed

The original dossier detailing a rape allegation against former attorney-general Christian Porter has been made publicly available for the first time,including allegedly contemporaneous diary notes written by the woman who accused him shortly before taking her own life last year.

  • byGeorgina Mitchell,Sarah McPhee andMichael Evans
‘Strange dude’:Court reveals texts between Annabel Crabb and friend of Porter accuser

‘Strange dude’:Court reveals texts between Annabel Crabb and friend of Porter accuser

ABC presenter Annabel Crabb had a “boiling sense of rage and grief” when she learned an old debating colleague who accused federal minister Christian Porter of rape had taken her own life,according to messages detailed in court documents.

  • byGeorgina Mitchell
Government bars Senate bid for inquiry into Porter’s suitability to be a minister

Government bars Senate bid for inquiry into Porter’s suitability to be a minister

A push for an inquiry into Christian Porter’s fitness to be a minister has been stopped by the government’s unusual move to prevent a senator from introducing a bill.

  • byKatina Curtis
Christian Porter,defamation barrister ordered to pay Jo Dyer’s legal costs

Christian Porter,defamation barrister ordered to pay Jo Dyer’s legal costs

A Federal Court judge on Friday ordered Mr Porter and Sue Chrysanthou,SC,pay Ms Dyer’s costs in the proceedings.

  • bySarah McPhee