Labor unmoved on clean energy changes despite internal climate shake-up

Labor unmoved on clean energy changes despite internal climate shake-up

Federal Labor remains opposed to a proposed overhaul of Australia’s clean energy fund rules despite a shake-up in its approach to climate policy.

  • byRob Harris


What climate wars? The Coalition's ship is changing tack

What climate wars? The Coalition's ship is changing tack

The international seas of climate policy are shifting and there are clear signs that the Morrison government is righting its ship to go with the tide.

  • byPatrick Suckling
Government backs new solar cell technology expansion into business

Government backs new solar cell technology expansion into business

The Australian government's clean energy technology funding vehicle has backed new lightweight solar panels that will open solar pathways to business.

  • byNick O'Malley
Government executives share in $12.8m of bonuses during public servant pay freeze
Executive pay

Government executives share in $12.8m of bonuses during public servant pay freeze

A quarter of taxpayer-funded agencies have given bonuses to highly-paid executives despite the government urging restraint during the pandemic.

  • byKatina Curtis
Higher power prices a risk under government gas plan,expert warns

Higher power prices a risk under government gas plan,expert warns

Electricity prices will rise and private investment in energy projects will fall if the federal government delivers its plan to support private gas projects,a Senate inquiry has heard.

  • byMike Foley andNick Toscano
Budget lifeline for coal fired power,dam building and the environment

Budget lifeline for coal fired power,dam building and the environment

A grant to upgrade an ageing coal fired power plant has been slated in the federal budget among a range of water infrastructure and environment programs.

  • byMike Foley
Report clears Plenti,CEFC of wrongdoing over government contracts worth $107m

Report clears Plenti,CEFC of wrongdoing over government contracts worth $107m

A report commissioned by the federal government has cleared the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and green financier Plenti of improper conduct.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
'Nothing to see here':Plenti IPO flops as public awaits inquiry findings

'Nothing to see here':Plenti IPO flops as public awaits inquiry findings

The now-listed solar panel lender has been punished by investors as it awaits the public release of an investigation into improper treatment by a powerful government body.

  • byCharlotte Grieve
Morrison says zero emissions achievable but won't commit to target

Morrison says zero emissions achievable but won't commit to target

The federal government is expected to release its technology road map on how the country can reduce its emissions this week.

  • byKatina Curtis
'Gas is a distraction':Environment group'deeply concerned'by renewables plan

'Gas is a distraction':Environment group'deeply concerned'by renewables plan

The Prime Minister announced that the two renewable energy agencies could now invest in'low emissions'technologies,such as gas,rather than focus entirely on renewables.

  • byMatt Bungard
'Unlocking new tech':$1.9 billion for low-emission energy projects

'Unlocking new tech':$1.9 billion for low-emission energy projects

An extra $1.9 billion will be pumped into driving new technology to lower emissions in Australia's manufacturing,transport and agriculture sectors.

  • byRob Harris