‘I felt lighter’:Restorative Justice gives sex crime survivors a different way forward

‘I felt lighter’:Restorative Justice gives sex crime survivors a different way forward

The Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes is set to receive a crucial report next month recommending the state widely embrace restorative justice for victim-survivors of sexual assault. What does it look like in practice?

  • byRachael Dexter,Simone Fox Koob andTammy Mills


Push for new justice approach for sexual assault survivors

Push for new justice approach for sexual assault survivors

Victoria’s attorney-general and police have backed reform ahead of a critical report likely to recommend restorative justice for sexual assault victims.

  • byTammy Mills,Simone Fox Koob andRachael Dexter
Victoria needs ‘affirmative’ sex consent laws,victims’ advocate says

Victoria needs ‘affirmative’ sex consent laws,victims’ advocate says

Sexual assault-survivor advocates including the Victims of Crime Commissioner believe laws that allow for interpretation of victims’ actions should be upgraged with “affirmative consent”.

  • byWendy Tuohy
Teens take lead in anti-harassment fight

Teens take lead in anti-harassment fight

A group of young activists is fighting for better sex education in schools,saying they’ve been failed and want to make things better for younger students.

  • byAnna Prytz
Up to 5000 NSW students are convicted of a crime every year. The schools are never told

Up to 5000 NSW students are convicted of a crime every year. The schools are never told

The father of a 16-year-old girl who was allegedly raped by another student called on the NSW Department of Education to keep a register of students who have been charged with sexual assault.

  • byNatassia Chrysanthos andJordan Baker
Survivors of rape by strangers demand to know offender’s name

Survivors of rape by strangers demand to know offender’s name

Victims of Crime Commissioner Fiona McCormack agrees with sexual assault survivors who say the State’s justice system is designed around the rights of the accused,not victims.

  • byWendy Tuohy
The Sydney suburbs where sexual assault reports doubled this year

The Sydney suburbs where sexual assault reports doubled this year

Sydney’s eastern suburbs,inner west,northern suburbs and Hills district have all seen a surge in sexual assault reports since Chanel Contos’ petition launched in late February.

  • byNatassia Chrysanthos andFergus Hunter
Sexual assault reports to police spiked 61% in March following public reckoning

Sexual assault reports to police spiked 61% in March following public reckoning

The public discussion around rape and consent driven by women like Chanel Contos and Brittany Higgins has supercharged reporting.

  • byFergus Hunter andNatassia Chrysanthos
Sexual consent reforms will bring laws into line with community standards

Sexual consent reforms will bring laws into line with community standards

Sexual consent laws would better reflect modern community standards under reforms proposed by the state government last week,yet NSW barristers are on track to strike the changes down on the basis of old-fashioned views about consent and misplaced concerns about injustice.

  • byJustin Gleeson
NSW government’s school consent package receives lukewarm reception

NSW government’s school consent package receives lukewarm reception

Educational experts and activist Chanel Contos have welcomed measures announced by the NSW Education Minister on sexual consent,but say they do not go far enough.

  • byNatassia Chrysanthos
Tread carefully on sexual consent - some of these ‘reforms’ are dangerous

Tread carefully on sexual consent - some of these ‘reforms’ are dangerous

Sexual assault is serious,but we are at risk of criminalising sexual interactions that amount to common human behaviour.

  • byStephen Odgers