Why tear down Perth's postcard building? Architect weighs in on Indiana

Why tear down Perth's postcard building? Architect weighs in on Indiana

"Architecture has to be about more than bricks and mortar. It’s always site specific,about the building’s interaction with the public and with history."

  • byEmma Young


White shark detections prompt closures at Perth's most popular beaches

White shark detections prompt closures at Perth's most popular beaches

A spike in white shark detections off Perth's coast on Friday prompted authorities to close Cottesloe and North Cottesloe beaches"to reduce the threat to people".

  • byMarta Pascual Juanola
Cottesloe beach pylon under threat as community fundraising efforts fall woefully short

Cottesloe beach pylon under threat as community fundraising efforts fall woefully short

Cottesloe beach's iconic pylon is under threat after a community fundraising appeal to save the landmark continues to fall short.

Twiggy reveals four bold design concepts for Indiana Teahouse

Twiggy reveals four bold design concepts for Indiana Teahouse

Soon-to-be owner of the Indiana Teahouse,Andrew'Twiggy'Forrest,has unveiled four drastic new designs that would see the Cottesloe icon knocked down.

  • byHeather McNeill
The four design ideas that could transform Cottesloe beach forever

The four design ideas that could transform Cottesloe beach forever

The development of a beach-side pool is just one of the many submissions made by Western Australians to reinvigorate the Indiana site at Perth’s Cottesloe Beach.

  • byCharlotte Saxon
Teenage girl in hospital after being hit by car in Cottesloe

Teenage girl in hospital after being hit by car in Cottesloe

A teenage girl has been left in a serious but stable condition in Perth Children's Hospital after being hit by a car in Cottesloe on Saturday.

Ten of the best:the WA food products Russell Blaikie ‘Must’ have

Ten of the best:the WA food products Russell Blaikie ‘Must’ have

Once you hear the favourite local finds of the head chef at Must,you'll be hightailing it to your closest grocer to make yourself the best cheese toastie ever.

  • byEmma Young
Sculptures by the'Si':Italian couple takes proposal sky high over Cottesloe

Sculptures by the'Si':Italian couple takes proposal sky high over Cottesloe

Love was quite literally in the air in Cottesloe on Sunday morning,with a marriage proposal attracting the attention of beachgoers,as well as a resounding"yes"from the future bride.

  • byKate Hedley
Emerging artists set to take centre stage at Sculpture by the Sea

Emerging artists set to take centre stage at Sculpture by the Sea

A cruise ship might sound like an odd place to start the creation of a Sculpture by the Sea piece,but that’s exactly where the journey began for one of this years’ youngest artists.

  • bySarah Makse
Swimmers take to the ocean for Rottnest Channel Swim challenge

Swimmers take to the ocean for Rottnest Channel Swim challenge

The first finishers have crossed the line at the Rottnest Channel Swim,but the event’s record time remains in place.

Perth council investigates after trees cut down near controversial planned car park site

Perth council investigates after trees cut down near controversial planned car park site

The two mature trees near North Cottesloe Primary School along Railway Road were discovered cut off at the stump on Friday morning last week.

  • byHannah Barry