Numerous hurdles block Dutton’s nuclear pathway

Numerous hurdles block Dutton’s nuclear pathway

The CSIRO/AEMO GenCost report has said for years,including during the time of Coalition governments,that wind and solar are the cheapest form of new energy for Australia,even when considering additional integration costs such as energy storage and transmission. Nothing has changed.


Coalition rift emerges over Dutton’s nuclear plans

Coalition rift emerges over Dutton’s nuclear plans

Concerns over political risk have slowed the opposition energy plan,casting doubt on the Coalition’s previous aim of announcing six possible nuclear sites before the May budget.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Voice opponent Darren Chester joins opposition frontbench,replacing Gee

Voice opponent Darren Chester joins opposition frontbench,replacing Gee

Chester,the former minister and critic of former leader Barnaby Joyce,will fill the gap created by Andrew Gee who quit the party over its opposition to the Voice to parliament.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Governor-General:Not my job to tell anyone about Morrison’s secret ministries

Governor-General:Not my job to tell anyone about Morrison’s secret ministries

The former prime minister’s stubborn defence of his secret powers has infuriated the Coalition,but MPs stopped short of calling on him to resign.

  • byLisa Visentin,James Massola andKatina Curtis
‘Failed veterans’:Ex-minister grilled over tardy response to claims backlog

‘Failed veterans’:Ex-minister grilled over tardy response to claims backlog

The former Morrison government has been accused of “failing veterans” by dragging its heels over recommendations to fix major backlogs in compensation claims.

  • byCloe Read
Hubris,the Liberal Party and a tale of two Tims

Hubris,the Liberal Party and a tale of two Tims

Tim Wilson and Tim Smith offer a lesson to their party,both state and federal. They lost the capacity for self-doubt,believed their own BS and showed no respect for the electorate.

  • byJon Faine
‘No reason to celebrate’:Victorian Nationals MP’s message to Barnaby Joyce

‘No reason to celebrate’:Victorian Nationals MP’s message to Barnaby Joyce

Darren Chester is considering challenging Joyce for party leadership,saying Joyce damaged the re-election prospects of moderate Liberals.

  • byAnnika Smethurst andMike Foley
Public,private funds to drive renewable replacement for Latrobe coal

Public,private funds to drive renewable replacement for Latrobe coal

The end of coal in Gippsland is within sight and government and industry are looking to new green opportunities.

  • byMike Foley
Don’t tell veterans ‘thank you for your service’:ministerial memo

Don’t tell veterans ‘thank you for your service’:ministerial memo

Veterans’ Affairs Minister Andrew Gee says he won’t apologise for not using the phrase “thank you for your service” to veterans,which has become popular under the Prime Minister.

  • byRob Harris
Grim future for coal and gas if China and Japan meet climate plans

Grim future for coal and gas if China and Japan meet climate plans

The future of regional-based fossil fuel exports is grim according to the RBA,creating headaches for the Nationals.

  • byMike Foley
Joyce striving to lead Nationals to peace deal on climate

Joyce striving to lead Nationals to peace deal on climate

Darren Chester’s decision to walk away from the Nationals party room shows the depth of division in the Coalition’s junior partner on many issues.

  • byRob Harris