Nationals outsider Darren Chester weighs switch from Canberra to Spring St

Nationals outsider Darren Chester weighs switch from Canberra to Spring St

The former minister,who has split from his federal colleagues,has been approached to run for the Victorian Parliament at next year’s election,amid speculation about his future.

  • byAnnika Smethurst


Nationals warn they won’t be a pushover on net zero as partyroom debate delayed

Nationals warn they won’t be a pushover on net zero as partyroom debate delayed

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce says his partyroom is vexed over the prospect of a net zero emissions target by 2050,but his MPs don’t want to hurt regional communities.

  • byRob Harris
Chester’s departure might be least of Joyce’s troubles right now

Chester’s departure might be least of Joyce’s troubles right now

The Nationals are an ungovernable rabble. If leader Barnaby Joyce manages to hold them together until the election it will be with Band-Aids. He is capable,but it won’t come easy.

  • byRob Harris
‘Deadset against’:Morrison confirms talks under way on net zero amid pushback from Nationals

‘Deadset against’:Morrison confirms talks under way on net zero amid pushback from Nationals

Scott Morrison has confirmed he is developing a plan to achieve net zero emissions but the Prime Minister still faces considerable pushback from some Nationals MPs with one saying he is “deadset” against the move.

  • byAnthony Galloway
Nationals explode over George Christensen’s call to arrest police officers

Nationals explode over George Christensen’s call to arrest police officers

George Christensen’s comments supporting “freedom fighters” at rallies in Melbourne have reignited fierce divisions within the National Party.

  • byRob Harris
Rift between top Nationals ministers over inland rail threatens more unrest

Rift between top Nationals ministers over inland rail threatens more unrest

A five-page document arguing the case for changing the inland rail route through Queensland was circulated among several Queensland Coalition MPs about 10 days ago.

  • byRob Harris
Morrison says sorry for sluggish vaccine rollout,brings forward pharmacy jabs

Morrison says sorry for sluggish vaccine rollout,brings forward pharmacy jabs

The PM says he is “sorry” the coronavirus vaccine program missed a series of targets and revealed a fast-tracked plan for pharmacies to deliver vaccinations.

  • byRob Harris andNick Bonyhady
‘I’ve landed on a snake’:Nationals reshuffle fails to heal old wounds

‘I’ve landed on a snake’:Nationals reshuffle fails to heal old wounds

Bruised Nationals MPs are warning it will take some time to mend bitter divisions following Barnaby Joyce’s ousting of Michael McCormack and his allies from cabinet.

  • byRob Harris
Nationals MPs fear ‘vindictive’ reshuffle of cabinet posts rewarding Joyce backers

Nationals MPs fear ‘vindictive’ reshuffle of cabinet posts rewarding Joyce backers

Barnaby Joyce is preparing to announce his new ministerial team as soon as Friday,with casualties expected to include Veterans’ Affairs Minister Darren Chester and Regional Health Minister Mark Coulton.

  • byDavid Crowe andMike Foley
Barnaby Joyce sets up climate change policy clash after reclaiming leadership

Barnaby Joyce sets up climate change policy clash after reclaiming leadership

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce will demand security for regional jobs and industries in a policy clash on climate change after reclaiming the leadership.

  • byDavid Crowe
Kerry Stokes’ controversial stint on War Memorial board to be extended

Kerry Stokes’ controversial stint on War Memorial board to be extended

The media mogul,whose position as chairman has become increasingly controversial,has been reappointed as a member of the council of the Australian War Memorial.

  • byRob Harris