Defending democracy:Parameters of Western resolve may soon be tested

Defending democracy:Parameters of Western resolve may soon be tested

Australia will need to do much more to both deter the chance of the “two war” scenario,but also be ready to fight,and win,if it does eventuate.

  • byMick Ryan


‘This is not a drill’:Trump raid galvanises supporters – some call for civil war
US politics

‘This is not a drill’:Trump raid galvanises supporters – some call for civil war

If Donald Trump were convicted of illegally removing classified documents,he could be disqualified from holding office in the future.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
FBI under pressure to explain raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence

FBI under pressure to explain raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence

The White House also insisted that President Joe Biden had no prior knowledge that the search would take place and called for calm amid Trump supporters’ anger.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
From mavericks to minions:How Labor is neutering the teals

From mavericks to minions:How Labor is neutering the teals

Affable Anthony Albanese is a maestro of exercising power while seeming not to. Witness the artful thwarting of the teal contingent sitting on the parliamentary crossbench.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Morrison’s right:We don’t trust in governments,especially his

Morrison’s right:We don’t trust in governments,especially his

Australians’ trust in government has been in decline for years. But if we can’t find a way to have faith in our elected leaders,well,God help us.

  • byJenna Price
Seeing red over Greens immature climate stance

Seeing red over Greens immature climate stance

The Greens’ hardline stance against the introduction of an emissions trading scheme resulted in a wasted decade;we cannot afford to repeat that folly.

Unhinged meetings,tweets and conspiracy theories:Trump ‘incited the Capitol attack’

Unhinged meetings,tweets and conspiracy theories:Trump ‘incited the Capitol attack’

The Capitol riots investigation has revealed disturbing details of an Oval Office meeting in which Trump allies tried to convince the president to use the military to seize voting machines.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
‘Undeniable’ flaws in Abe’s security,Japan police admit as party secures election win

‘Undeniable’ flaws in Abe’s security,Japan police admit as party secures election win

Abe’s governing party and its allies have secured a majority in Japan’s upper house elections,meaning they can pursue Abe’s long-held goal of revising Japan’s pacifist Constitution.

  • byMari Yamaguchi andFoster Klug
Low-ranking officials who held the line against Trump can teach us all a lesson

Low-ranking officials who held the line against Trump can teach us all a lesson

Of all the officials who have given evidence about the storming of the Capitol on January 6,Wandrea Moss and her mother,Ruby Freeman,have been the bravest.

  • byJacqueline Maley
Liberalism is better with a dose of populist wisdom

Liberalism is better with a dose of populist wisdom

Just a handful of years ago,there was global hand-wringing over the death of social democracy,and yet this week,there it was,in all its righteous glory,

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Supreme Court marches US back in time

Supreme Court marches US back in time

It’s yet to be seen how long Americans will tolerate a Supreme Court bound by an ideology inspired by a 250-year-old document,out of step with the concerns of today’s world.

  • byNick O'Malley