Dr Don Russell was an adviser to Paul Keating during the 1990s recession and is now chairman of AustralianSuper.

Super chair warns using retirement funds for housing is ‘destructive’

The chairman of Australia’s biggest superannuation fund has slammed Coalition MPs for pushing to allow renters to tap into their retirement funds for a home deposit.

  • Jennifer Duke


Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees CEO Eva Scheerlinck.

Super sector warns of'detractors in Canberra'

The superannuation industry's peak lobby group has criticised the federal government for striking at the retirement system at a time when funds are gearing up to help the economic recovery.

  • Jennifer Duke
Dr Don Russell was an adviser to then treasurer Paul Keating during the 1990s recession and is now chairman of AustralianSuper.

States should take bigger role in economic recovery:AustralianSuper's Russell

AustralianSuper chairman Don Russell wants state and territory governments to take a bigger role in helping struggling industries and creating a pipeline of infrastructure projects.

  • Jennifer Duke
Paul Keating as treasurer in 1990.

'Go early,go hard,go households':Recession lessons from the 1990s

Paul Keating's response to the turbulent waters of the 1990s has never been more important.

  • Jennifer Duke
Don Russell,the new chair of Australian Super,said the appointment brings great responsibility to always act in their best interests of the fund's 2.1 million members

Keating's former adviser Don Russell new chair of Australian Super

The former right-hand-man of Paul Keating,Dr Don Russell,is the new independent chair at Australia's largest super fund,AustralianSuper,replacing Heather Ridout.

  • John Collett
Paul Keating's long-time right-hand man Don Russell could be the next chair of AustralianSuper.

Russell set to raise his low profile a few notches

Don Russell always kept a curiously low profile despite once being Paul Keating’s right hand man.

  • Kylar Loussikian andSamantha Hutchinson