David Crisafulli will not say whether – or how – he would thwart Peter Dutton’s plan for nuclear reactors in Queensland.
The federal election is set to feature duelling household electrification schemes,as households battle the cost-of-living crisis.
The entire population of Cuba was plunged into a countrywide blackout on Friday. But how did it get to this point?
Many regional communities perceive the renewables rollout as something being done to them,not with them,but research suggests views are not fixed.
Opposition energy spokesman Ted O’Brien has opened a new battle in the climate wars,backing industry calls for public funds for new gas plants.
Peter Dutton’s nuclear power ambitions have split his party in Queensland. Labor Premier Steven Miles says it may be a battle worth having in court.
An LNP government could keep Queensland’s coal-fired power stations operating beyond 2035. Experts say this would cost the climate and the Queensland budget.
A tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere costs up to three times more under Victoria’s gas removal program than in similar schemes across Australia – and it’s passed onto consumers in their power bills.
Turbocharging renewables with rooftop solar and subsidised batteries is a sure-fire vote-winner. So why is the government not doing it?
The incumbent energy minister,Labor’s Mick de Brenni,said he was confident his Federal Court appearance would not disrupt his party’s election campaign.
Australia’s energy transition reached a record this week as renewables hit 74 per cent of the electricity mix for a half-hour period.