In only 6½ years it’s built a whopping following,making it one of Perth’s most successful shops of its kind. So why can’t that keep the wolf from the door?
Justin Kestelman’s homewares store is just three kilometres from Dagelbu Sherpa’s sushi shop – but their stories illustrate the cost-of-living crunch and differing fortunes of suburban shopping strips.
Solution-focused,purpose-driven and AI-enabled – successful small business owners should heed the lessons of these growth sectors.
Small businesses buckling under the pressure of rising costs and a sluggish economy have been hit with $7 billion in unexpected costs in the past year,highlighting the financial pressure on the nation’s engine room.
The Inaugural CCIWA and BHP Diversity and Inclusion Awards Gala was held at Crown Ballrooms on Friday night to recognise those making WA a better place to live,work and do business. Supported by BHP,Fortescue,Good Sammys and 9News Perth.
Despite the rapidly declining use of cash,small business owners are opting to accept physical tender in a bid to keep customers happy. But the cost is high.
Large corporations,including supermarkets,have become more resilient,but smaller retailers are facing greater risk of failure as the consumer spending crunch drags on.
Australian companies are shrinking or stagnating when they try to join the ranks of the nation’s biggest employers,spurring the federal government to help them commercialise ideas.
While each small business owner’s situation will differ,all will need to factor in how time will play a role.
With labour shortages across Australia,small businesses and family farms are relying on young teen workers to help keep companies afloat.
Small business owner Alexandra Munro was overwhelmed with excitement when asked to design the “Team Djokovic” T-shirts that were worn by the champion’s inner circle.