Fatima Payman has hurt Labor badly. And she isn’t done yet

Fatima Payman has hurt Labor badly. And she isn’t done yet

Senator Fatima Payman’s defection to the crossbench has caused major damage to the government. And she isn’t done yet,either.

  • byJames Massola


Accusations,intimidation and resignation:Senator Fatima Payman quits Labor

Accusations,intimidation and resignation:Senator Fatima Payman quits Labor

Rebel senator Fatima Payman has quit the Labor Party after creating a political firestorm with her decision to vote against the government over recognising Palestinian statehood.

  • byPaul Sakkal andJames Massola
Payman’s short-lived rebellion ends in a whimper – for now

Payman’s short-lived rebellion ends in a whimper – for now

Mystery still surrounds why Senator Fatima Payman mounted her one-woman rebellion.

  • The Herald's View
Labor believes Fatima Payman’s rebellion was plotted for a month

Labor believes Fatima Payman’s rebellion was plotted for a month

The young senator’s decision to cross the floor and to later speak out against her party bears all the hallmarks of a carefully co-ordinated plan,according to Labor figures.

  • byNiki Savva
Payman furore to come to a head as Albanese suggests exit

Payman furore to come to a head as Albanese suggests exit

It’s understood Fatima Payman intends to make a statement about her future on Thursday and announce a formal split from Labor.

  • byAngus Thompson,Paul Sakkal andJames Massola
Payman v Albanese and the personal v the collective:Is Labor stuck in 1902?

Payman v Albanese and the personal v the collective:Is Labor stuck in 1902?

The personal view of a young Muslim senator faces off with the oldest requirement of would-be ALP politicians,a written contract to observe the collective.

  • byTony Wright
Exiled senator Payman advised by Ricky Muir’s former preference whisperer

Exiled senator Payman advised by Ricky Muir’s former preference whisperer

Rogue Labor senator Fatima Payman is being advised by controversial election strategist Glenn Druery.

  • byJames Massola andPaul Sakkal
Albanese says he has shown ‘strength in restraint’ by not expelling rogue senator

Albanese says he has shown ‘strength in restraint’ by not expelling rogue senator

The prime minister’s remarks came hours after senior minister Bill Shorten extended an olive branch to Payman,saying she could come back into the fold later.

  • byPaul Sakkal andJosefine Ganko
‘Exiled’ Payman defiant after PM tells her to consider her position as senator

‘Exiled’ Payman defiant after PM tells her to consider her position as senator

The prime minister and the young Muslim senator are at loggerheads as Payman says she has been told to resign.

  • byPaul Sakkal andJames Massola
Albanese had to act on Payman,but doing so creates new headaches for Labor

Albanese had to act on Payman,but doing so creates new headaches for Labor

It was Fatima Payman’s third strike against caucus solidarity,but Labor is likely to face blow-back from Muslim Australians.

  • byJames Massola
Fatima Payman indefinitely suspended from caucus in crisis talks with PM over Palestine

Fatima Payman indefinitely suspended from caucus in crisis talks with PM over Palestine

The decision was made after an explosive TV interview given by the senator on Sunday morning.

  • byJames Massola andAngus Thompson