Think you know Van Gogh’s Sunflowers? Here’s what you’ve been missing

Think you know Van Gogh’s Sunflowers? Here’s what you’ve been missing

It’s one of the most famous paintings in the world,but there’s more to Sunflowers if you take the time to look.

  • byLouise Rugendyke


Rembrandt,the original selfie master,was too honest for his own good

Rembrandt,the original selfie master,was too honest for his own good

The Dutch master’s obsession with the self-portrait sits well in the Instagram age. But would you want him to paint your portrait?

  • byLouise Rugendyke
Stamp of approval:holding onto letter-writing’s feelgood factor

Stamp of approval:holding onto letter-writing’s feelgood factor

The beauty of the written word in a world of emojis:a one-time letter-writer and mail sorter reflects on how the art of communicating has changed.

  • byAlan Attwood
Academic tussle as ancient relics from black market brought into country

Academic tussle as ancient relics from black market brought into country

A Sydney academic is using an Indiana Jones-type defence for bringing the “Dead Sea Scrolls of Buddhism” into Australia for research.

  • byMichaela Boland
Sydney schools educating Hollywood offspring

Sydney schools educating Hollywood offspring

As the celebrity count in NSW grows,so too do enrolments at some of Sydney’s most elite private schools.

  • byLucy Manly
Talk to the hand:how COVID gave fortune tellers the palm-off

Talk to the hand:how COVID gave fortune tellers the palm-off

Adapting to a world of social distancing is complicated when your age-old profession depends on the personal touch. Video calls are just the beginning.

  • byTim Elliott
Want an Order of Australia? It helps to be rich,powerful and male

Want an Order of Australia? It helps to be rich,powerful and male

Critics of the Australian honours system claim it is too politicised,too weighted towards the wealthy,too pale,male and stale. Can the growing movement to make it more egalitarian really make a difference?

  • byJacqueline Maley andNigel Gladstone
Moving on and moving in:Quick rebound as Matt Toomua goes'Instagram-official'

Moving on and moving in:Quick rebound as Matt Toomua goes'Instagram-official'

The rugby union player has found love again after announcing his split from cricket superstar Ellyse Perry in July.

  • byLucy Manly
Who lived at your place? A pony lived at mine

Who lived at your place? A pony lived at mine

Exploring the history of your own home online can unlock a treasure Trove of trivial treasures... or send you down a rabbit hole of randomness.

  • byRichard Glover
Mark Wahlberg leaves F45 gym junkies disappointed
Emerald City

Mark Wahlberg leaves F45 gym junkies disappointed

He may have come to motivate and train with F45 ‘members’ but the Hollywood actor stayed all of five minutes at the Woolloomooloo franchise of the circuit training gym.

  • byLucy Manly
Good Weekend's best features of 2020

Good Weekend's best features of 2020

Every year,Good Weekend publishes the definitive stories on the people,places and issues that matter to Australians. Here,we revisit some of our reader favourites from 2020.