The forgotten generation about to rule the roost
Gen X

The forgotten generation about to rule the roost

Public attention is on the retiring Baby Boomers and eager Millennials,but Generation X is ready to make its mark.

  • byCaitlin Fitzsimmons


'Pessimistic'millennials fear they won't be as happy as their parents

'Pessimistic'millennials fear they won't be as happy as their parents

Siobhan Joffe says the dream of owning a house is so far out of reach that she softens the blow by spending her money on eating out and travel.

  • byMelissa Cunningham&Anna Patty
Just like that,my generation is out of date

Just like that,my generation is out of date

I didn't even know about Gen Z until the other night,when my friend who works at a successful,on-trend,online company told me that they're changing their whole marketing strategy to fit Gen Z.

  • byClaire Thurstans