George Soros calls for investigation of Facebook after news of smear

George Soros calls for investigation of Facebook after news of smear

Liberal philanthropist George Soros has called on Facebook to initiate an independent,internal investigation of its lobbying and public relations work.

  • byHamza Shaban


George Soros on the new world disorder

George Soros on the new world disorder

His enemies paint him as all-powerful,but the billionaire philanthropist believes his political legacy has never been in greater jeopardy.

  • byMichael Steinberger
'Ridiculous':Bank boss slams George Soros'warning of a new GFC

'Ridiculous':Bank boss slams George Soros'warning of a new GFC

Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman reckons billionaire investor George Soros's contention that"another major financial crisis"may be looming is unrealistic.

  • byTom Mackenzie&Christopher Anstey
'Major financial crisis'could be on horizon,warns billionaire

'Major financial crisis'could be on horizon,warns billionaire

Billionaire says that"everything that could go wrong has gone wrong"in Europe,and it could lead to a financial catastrophe.

  • byNikos Chrysoloras&Helene Fouquet