New laws would give gig-economy workers in the transport industry the power to argue for minimum pay and conditions such as penalty rates.
Uber’s new rank and hail zone prompted a one-day strike by Sydney’s cab drivers. Now,NSW’s taxi boss warns the scheme will cost drivers a 20 per cent loss in fares.
Food delivery app data shows NSW residents want sauvignon blanc,lemonade and cola delivered to their door,while Victorians want red wine and VB.
The combination of high inflation,high interest rates and plentiful jobs is leading many people to work a second job.
The increase in food delivery services means more bicycle and scooter riders are getting lost on some of Melbourne’s busiest freeways and tollway tunnels.
A new review shows apps are not following the food outlet information rules,and it’s a public health risk,experts say.
The boom in AI technology has put a more sophisticated spin on a kind of gig work that doesn’t require leaving the house.
Friday night could be chaotic for many as about 4000 ride-share drivers plan to stay home with another 500 of them intending to blockade Perth’s airport.
The ride-share giant’s promise of urban transportation was always an illusion,built on the back of cheap venture capital money,worker exploitation and taking advantage of regulatory loopholes.
Taxi operators have challenged suggestions that trips with them are always pricier than with ride-share companies. We analyse the data.