Guy Debelle was front-runner to be the next Reserve Bank Governor before he left the RBA for Fortescue.

Guy Debelle exits Fortescue as executive exodus gathers pace

The former Reserve Bank deputy governor is the third senior executive this week to free themselves from the orbit of Andrew Forrest.

  • Peter Milne


Andrew Forrest

Behind Fortescue’s executive revolving door

In the cult of Andrew Forrest not all disciples who sign on can operate under this messianic leader or within its governance structure.

  • Elizabeth Knight
Guy Debelle left the RBA to become the chief financial officer at billionaire Andrew Forrest’s green energy group Fortescue Future Industries.

Former RBA deputy flags Australia’s risks of slow start on green energy

Former Reserve Bank deputy Guy Debelle says Australia could become a green energy superpower but warns we risk having “the rug pulled from under us” without incentives to attract infrastructure investment.

  • Colin Kruger
The resignation of Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Guy Debelle has heightened the importance of an independent review of the institution.

RBA’s inflation target,independence and board should be focus of review:Economists

As the Reserve Bank faces a major shake-up after the resignation of Guy Debelle,economists have outlined their priorities for a broad review of the bank.

  • Shane Wright
Deputy RBA governor Guy Debelle and current governor Philip Lowe. Dr Debelle’s resignation has surprised monetary policy circles.

RBA heir apparent Guy Debelle unexpectedly quits to join Forrest’s green hydrogen play

One of most senior positions in the Australian economy,deputy RBA governor,is open after the surprise resignation of Guy Debelle.

  • Shane Wright
Australian emissions-intensive businesses already facing higher costs due to the shift to net zero by 2050.

Reserve Bank warns Australia cannot hide from global drive to net zero by 2050

Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle says the cost of emissions-intensive Australian businesses is already climbing due to global action on climate change.

  • Shane Wright andMike Foley
Sydney is expected to have its first Super Saturday of auctions at the end of March when more than 1000 properties are scheduled to go under the hammer before the following Easter long weekend.

Property price rises are a welcome sign of a return to normal

Policy makers should not panic about the rises of the past few months but home buyers must be prepared for an increase in mortgage rates.

  • The Herald's View
RBA deputy governor Guy Debelle said one of the most important lessons from the global financial crisis was when to reduce support.

Don't end economic support too early:RBA

Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle has cautioned against the early removal of fiscal support,saying it will take time for the jobs market to recover.

  • Shane Wright
Guy Debelle said it appeared the economy had grown through the September quarter,but the RBA will next month likely sign off on a string of measures to help the struggling economy.

Don't put up the end of recession balloons just yet

The Australian economy may be growing again after its deepest downturn since the 1930s,but the recession will continue to linger for years.

  • Shane Wright
Former Prime Minister Paul Keating's criticisms of the RBA and its deputy governor Guy Debelle have been backed by ex-RBA researcher Peter Tulip.

Reserve Bank board'does not understand monetary policy':Ex-RBA researcher

The Reserve Bank of Australia board has been lashed by a former researcher for failing to understand monetary policy.

  • Jennifer Duke