Ice still most used illegal drug,latest wastewater report finds

Ice still most used illegal drug,latest wastewater report finds

Ice is the country's most-used illicit drug but the use of legal opioids has fallen according to latest figures from the national wastewater monitoring program.

  • byStuart Layt


Help save my brother from the worst addiction of all

Help save my brother from the worst addiction of all

My brother has been addicted to drugs for decades,but it has all seemed like a walk in the park compared to the moment in which we now find ourselves.

Two charged after police say 1.2 tonnes of ephedrine found in furniture shipment

Two charged after police say 1.2 tonnes of ephedrine found in furniture shipment

Border force officers allegedly detected the chemical,capable of producing a tonne of ice,inside the shipment from China.

  • byLucy Cormack
Homelessness,sex and drugs:Inside the life of a highly educated ice addict

Homelessness,sex and drugs:Inside the life of a highly educated ice addict

From Star Wars to inside NSW prisons,a former inmate who had an addiction to ice tells drugs were everywhere on the inside.

  • byJulie Power
'I've got HIV':Addict who dripped blood on cop has sentence reduced

'I've got HIV':Addict who dripped blood on cop has sentence reduced

A Queensland man who claimed to be HIV-positive when his blood spilt on a police officer's open cuts has knocked one year off his sentence on appeal.

  • byLydia Lynch
Just before her 21st birthday,Mary was given an unusual gift:addiction

Just before her 21st birthday,Mary was given an unusual gift:addiction

The drug ice is increasingly a factor in family breakdown,domestic violence and the number of children being placed in care,a special inquiry has heard.

  • byJulie Power
Ice users would rather be dead than live without crystal meth,commission told

Ice users would rather be dead than live without crystal meth,commission told

Children as young as 12 are using ice,but NSW doesn't provide any detox facilities for children under 16 other than prison.

  • byJulie Power
Seven police,eight hospital staff needed to restrain one ice user,inquiry hears

Seven police,eight hospital staff needed to restrain one ice user,inquiry hears

Ice use in Dubbo and in the far west of NSW is an"epidemic",the commission heard on the first day of hearings.

  • byJulie Power
The Ice Age destroying families,and Indigenous culture

The Ice Age destroying families,and Indigenous culture

Ice is ravaging Indigenous communities,including in Nowra on the south coast,the special commission of inquiry into Ice heard last week.

  • byJulie Power
Children linked to ice get no food,sleep and exposure to sexualised behaviour

Children linked to ice get no food,sleep and exposure to sexualised behaviour

Children are being removed in greater numbers from families because of ice,the special commission of inquiry into ice heard on Friday.

  • byJulie Power
Paramedics forced to restrain ice patients,inquiry told

Paramedics forced to restrain ice patients,inquiry told

Ice possession has increased about 31 per cent a year in the Shoalhaven region,causing family breakdown,violence and increased pressure on first responders.

  • byJulie Power