Ipsos poll:Labor keeps election-winning lead over Coalition as preferred PM contest narrows

Ipsos poll:Labor keeps election-winning lead over Coalition as preferred PM contest narrows

Scott Morrison’s disapproval rating is on the rise,as is the number of people who prefer Bill Shorten as prime minister.

  • byDavid Crowe


Ipsos poll:Voters back Labor to deal with climate change

Ipsos poll:Voters back Labor to deal with climate change

Only half the Coalition's voters believe the party is the best at handling climate change,according to a new Ipsos poll.

  • byMichael Koziol
Only politicians think Australians will change their opinion of a government in return for money

Only politicians think Australians will change their opinion of a government in return for money

There are good reasons why a well-received budget hasn't improved the government's chances of winning.

  • byPeter Hartcher
Ipsos poll offers only a rough guide to the Liberal Party's uncertain fate

Ipsos poll offers only a rough guide to the Liberal Party's uncertain fate

There was never going to be a boost for the government from last week’s tax cuts because there was no boost from the tax cuts last year.

  • byDavid Crowe
Ipsos poll:Voters embrace the budget but Morrison government stalls in election-losing position

Ipsos poll:Voters embrace the budget but Morrison government stalls in election-losing position

Only 29 per cent of voters thought Tuesday's budget was unfair – the lowest result on this question over more than two decades.

  • byDavid Crowe
Ipsos poll:53-47 result puts Morrison government on course for major election defeat

Ipsos poll:53-47 result puts Morrison government on course for major election defeat

Scott Morrison has maintained his lead on key personal approval ratings but the government is well behind Labor.

  • byDavid Crowe
When voters think they’re being taken for a ride,they’re dangerous

When voters think they’re being taken for a ride,they’re dangerous

Long campaigns are apt to go seriously awry for prime ministers and governments prepared to test that patience.

  • byTony Wright
Did fear drive the latest Ipsos opinion poll result?

Did fear drive the latest Ipsos opinion poll result?

Commentators have been quick to point to the passage of the medevac bill as being behind the government's apparent boost in support.

  • byJohn Warhurst
He's captured the attention of voters but Morrison will need more than one poll bounce to win

He's captured the attention of voters but Morrison will need more than one poll bounce to win

It will take more than one bounce in the polls for the government to recover from chaos.

  • byDavid Crowe
Ipsos poll:Most voters prefer Labor to handle banks fallout but are split on Frydenberg and Bowen

Ipsos poll:Most voters prefer Labor to handle banks fallout but are split on Frydenberg and Bowen

Some 43 per cent do not support Labor's franking credits policy,while 40 per cent back the proposal.

  • byDavid Crowe
Adrenalin shot for Morrison's government,but beware adrenal fatigue

Adrenalin shot for Morrison's government,but beware adrenal fatigue

The Morrison government has received an adrenalin shot,giving it a rush of energy in the approach to the federal election. But watch out for adrenal fatigue.

  • byPeter Hartcher