Premier Jacinta Allan will on Tuesday announce amendments to a youth justice bill to make it easier to revoke bail,among other changes.
Jacinta Allan was asked three times whether she remained committed to lifting the minimum age to 14 by 2027,but refused to be drawn.
A rise in youth crime is rattling community confidence and undermining support for the Allan government’s pledge to lift the age of criminal responsibility to 14.
The premier’s decision to soften a planned revamp of health services has exposed other problems that will be tougher to fix.
Victoria’s health system is ‘no longer fit for purpose’,as the government announces an overhaul that will avoid mergers but centralise staff and services.
The Allan government will add $1.5 billion to health system funding and take merger plan off the table.
Billions of dollars in funding Victoria wants for the Suburban Rail Loop has been held up for almost two years because the state refuses to hand over information.
As state parliament considers a plan to keep bikies off building sites,Labor and Greens leaders have been quizzed about their response to the CFMEU revelations.
Jacinta Allan has vowed the government-appointed investigator will be able to speak to ministers – including herself – about claims against the CFMEU.
The union speaks to Labor’s working-class voters more than any other. Now the party fears the CFMEU has a long memory.
If the laws had been changed when they were found to be useless,perhaps we wouldn’t have so many bikies in the Big Build.