Raising the age of criminal responsibility set for 2025 as state unveils mammoth youth justice bill

Raising the age of criminal responsibility set for 2025 as state unveils mammoth youth justice bill

The Victorian government is set to miss its own deadline to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 12 by the end of the year.

  • byKieran Rooney andRachel Eddie


Underage offenders will soon be fitted with ankle bracelets. But do they work?

Underage offenders will soon be fitted with ankle bracelets. But do they work?

Victoria is due to join Queensland,the UK,US and New Zealand in trialling ankle bracelets on young offenders,but a report says the move could create more harm than good.

  • byMarta Pascual Juanola
‘Backwards and archaic’:Victoria ditches plans to give children presumption of bail

‘Backwards and archaic’:Victoria ditches plans to give children presumption of bail

The government has been accused of betraying Aboriginal youths and walking away from its commitments after dropping the plans.

  • byRachel Eddie
A daughter’s death,a mother’s torment and a battle for change

A daughter’s death,a mother’s torment and a battle for change

Celeste Manno was murdered in her bed. Now her mother wants the world to hear her pain – and to save others.

  • bySimone Fox Koob,Dimity Clancy,Sammi Taylor andLisa Brown
‘Innocent people had to die’:Mother’s mixed feelings after triple-zero overhaul

‘Innocent people had to die’:Mother’s mixed feelings after triple-zero overhaul

Jasmin Hussein,whose 14-year-old daughter Alisha died waiting for an ambulance,hopes the new changes to the state’s emergency hotline will prevent more unnecessary deaths.

  • byBroede Carmody andHenrietta Cook
Bail reforms aimed at fixing ‘disaster’ law face one-year wait

Bail reforms aimed at fixing ‘disaster’ law face one-year wait

A coroner found Victoria’s bail laws breached the human rights charter,but a 12-month delay looms for implementing change.

  • byRachel Eddie
Warning over emergency response as state axes consultation with volunteers

Warning over emergency response as state axes consultation with volunteers

Emergency services volunteers say the sudden decision to end a consultative forum will worsen morale and lead to declining numbers in the unpaid workforce.

  • byRachel Eddie andSumeyya Ilanbey
Nicola Gobbo was prepared to plead guilty,testify against police

Nicola Gobbo was prepared to plead guilty,testify against police

Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions has refused to charge police implicated in the Lawyer X scandal,despite recommendations from a special investigator.

  • byChip Le Grand,David Estcourt,Broede Carmody andRachel Eddie
Greens,Labor clash over speed and scope of anti-vilification reform

Greens,Labor clash over speed and scope of anti-vilification reform

The Greens say Victoria’s anti-vilification laws need an urgent overhaul following the Let Women Speak rally and the cancellation of drag story-time events. But Labor says time is needed to get the changes right.

  • byBroede Carmody
Attorney-General:Victoria’s justice system a ‘site of exclusion and oppression’ for Aboriginal people

Attorney-General:Victoria’s justice system a ‘site of exclusion and oppression’ for Aboriginal people

Jaclyn Symes has told the Yoorrook Justice Commission laws have entrenched systemic and structural racism within the justice system and the government.

  • bySumeyya Ilanbey andJack Latimore
Crime rate climbs with age:Difficult debate looms on changing rules for child offenders

Crime rate climbs with age:Difficult debate looms on changing rules for child offenders

Statistics obtained by The Age show many more 13-year-olds are prosecuted for aggravated burglary and robbery,motor vehicle theft and serious assault than 12-year-olds in Victoria.

  • bySumeyya Ilanbey