Victoria to lift age of criminal responsibility to 12 with no exceptions

Victoria to lift age of criminal responsibility to 12 with no exceptions

The Andrews government has resisted a push from advocacy groups and some cabinet ministers to immediately raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14,opting instead for a staggered approach.

  • bySumeyya Ilanbey


‘Unmanageable conflict of interest’:Ombudsman slams fellow integrity watchdog

‘Unmanageable conflict of interest’:Ombudsman slams fellow integrity watchdog

In a new integrity headache for the Andrews government,Ombudsman Deborah Glass says she will not engage with the Inspector who oversees her office.

  • byRoyce Millar
Politicians don’t like them. They don’t like each other. Have our watchdogs gone astray?

Politicians don’t like them. They don’t like each other. Have our watchdogs gone astray?

When Martin Pakula made his parting speech to parliament in September,there was one point that had Opposition MPs nodding in fierce agreement.

  • byRoyce Millar
Victoria unprepared to decriminalise public drunkenness,warn police and doctors

Victoria unprepared to decriminalise public drunkenness,warn police and doctors

Lack of support services and gaps in police powers to cope with the imminent decriminalisation of public intoxication have been cited as major risks to public health and safety.

  • bySumeyya Ilanbey andBroede Carmody
Andrews takes cautious approach to overdue bail reforms

Andrews takes cautious approach to overdue bail reforms

The premier has always favoured control and has proven himself a master of political pragmatism.

  • byAnnika Smethurst
Bail law reforms unveiled as attorney-general concedes state ‘cast the net too wide’

Bail law reforms unveiled as attorney-general concedes state ‘cast the net too wide’

Victoria’s controversial 2018 bail laws,which have resulted in almost a doubling of the number of Aboriginal women in custody,would be wound back within months as part of sweeping changes.

  • byAnnika Smethurst
Flood victims booted out of Mickleham centre ahead of its closure

Flood victims booted out of Mickleham centre ahead of its closure

After being rattled by weeks of rumours,residents found a letter under the doors of their rooms on Wednesday advising that they would need to leave the centre “as soon as possible”.

  • bySophie Aubrey