You can’t book for Japan’s best restaurants,but this Aussie can get you in

You can’t book for Japan’s best restaurants,but this Aussie can get you in

You can’t make a booking at Sushi Saito,Japan’s best sushi restaurant. You won’t get a seat at Sushi Amamoto either. It just won’t happen. Not without Melburnian Rachel Lang.

  • byBen Groundwater


The problem with knife shopping in Japan

The problem with knife shopping in Japan

It’s not so much finding one to buy,but deciding which of the myriad of options to purchase.

  • byBen Groundwater
Japanese government asks court to dissolve Unification Church

Japanese government asks court to dissolve Unification Church

The man accused of assassinating Shinzo Abe was allegedly motivated by the former prime minister’s links to the church that he blamed for bankrupting his family.

  • byMari Yamaguchi
Two things you must do to guarantee you’ll see Japan’s cherry blossoms

Two things you must do to guarantee you’ll see Japan’s cherry blossoms

Organising a trip to coincide with Mother Nature’s whims can feel like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. If only I’d known this before visiting.

  • byKristie Kellahan
Mission to quell Japanese fears over Albanese government’s gas plans

Mission to quell Japanese fears over Albanese government’s gas plans

Trade Minister Don Farrell and key cabinet ministers will seek to convince Japan of Australia’s reliability as an exporter in high-powered trade talks.

  • byLisa Visentin andMike Foley
Who needs new? 16 years on,this is still one of Asia’s best hotels

Who needs new? 16 years on,this is still one of Asia’s best hotels

It’s easy to get distracted by the new and the shiny when excellent service and attention to detail win every time.

  • byJulietta Jameson
I saw how Japan preps for disaster and was shaken. Australia could learn a lot

I saw how Japan preps for disaster and was shaken. Australia could learn a lot

Childhood education,legislation,self-defence forces on stand-by,local government planning – readiness for natural disasters is expensive,but it saves lives.

  • byLatika Bourke
America’s ‘Agatha Christie mystery’ ambassador mum on Japan joining AUKUS

America’s ‘Agatha Christie mystery’ ambassador mum on Japan joining AUKUS

Rahm Emanuel said he would keep speaking out on China,but was more diplomatic when asked if Japan should also be acquiring nuclear submarines.

  • byLatika Bourke
Forget museums or concerts:I’d rather get my hit of local culture here

Forget museums or concerts:I’d rather get my hit of local culture here

There’s an old saying among sports fans:I went to a fight,and a game of ice hockey broke out.

  • byBen Groundwater
My parents’ contribution to Australia is greater than the house they took off the market

My parents’ contribution to Australia is greater than the house they took off the market

My Japanese parents’ contribution to Australia is greater than the house they took off the market. Policy failures,not migration,have caused this housing crisis.

  • byMillie Muroi
If you want to be a ramen expert in Japan,follow these rules

If you want to be a ramen expert in Japan,follow these rules

Tokyo-based Cody Mizuno thinks he’s eaten about 1000 bowls of ramen in his lifetime. That’s the equivalent of one ramen a day for three years.

  • byBen Groundwater