Tide turns towards Corbyn amid May's Brexit woes

Tide turns towards Corbyn amid May's Brexit woes

Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn is on course to sweep into No.10 in the event of an election,according to polling.

  • byEdward Malnick andChristopher Hope


Negotiating delay threatens Brexit,says Theresa May

Negotiating delay threatens Brexit,says Theresa May

May has so far failed to secure backing for her negotiated agreement with Brussels,and she has since turned to the opposition,with no success so far.

  • byCostas Pitas
May and Corbyn meet for'constructive'talks but no Brexit deal yet

May and Corbyn meet for'constructive'talks but no Brexit deal yet

Two ministers resigned amid Tory anger at Theresa May inviting Labour to help rewrite Brexit.

  • byNick Miller
Video of British soldiers shooting at photo of Corbyn sparks investigation

Video of British soldiers shooting at photo of Corbyn sparks investigation

The British soldiers are believed to have been stationed in Afghanistan and at a shooting range in Kabul when the video was recorded and shared on Snapchat.

  • byJennifer Hassan
Was this a Brexit breakthrough? Frankly,it smells more like fudge
Brexit chaos

Was this a Brexit breakthrough? Frankly,it smells more like fudge

Theresa May has hinted she's ready to compromise on Brexit. But is that even possible?

  • byNick Miller
MPs seize control of Brexit from May in'constitutional revolution'

MPs seize control of Brexit from May in'constitutional revolution'

All options are now up for grabs in a crucial Wednesday vote,including another Brexit referendum or even just calling the whole thing off.

  • byNick Miller
'Matter of great personal regret':May asks Brussels for Brexit delay

'Matter of great personal regret':May asks Brussels for Brexit delay

The British PM blamed MPs - of all sides - for playing political games with Brexit,as she plans another vote to win their support for her Brexit deal.

  • byNick Miller
Muppet! Traitor! Spineless! Insults fly as MPs kick the Brexit can. Again
Brexit chaos

Muppet! Traitor! Spineless! Insults fly as MPs kick the Brexit can. Again

The week that was supposed to sort out Brexit ended up doing nothing of the sort. But at least Westminster's MPs knew who to blame:everyone else.

  • byNick Miller
UK Parliament votes to ask EU to delay Brexit by months

UK Parliament votes to ask EU to delay Brexit by months

UK Parliament votes to ask EU to delay Brexit but rejects new referendum;Britain's March 29 departure now unlikely.

  • byNick Miller
Brexit crunch week:here's what's happening and why
Brexit chaos

Brexit crunch week:here's what's happening and why

A series of crucial votes in the UK Parliament is determining how Brexit plays out. Here's your guide on what,when and why.

  • byNick Miller
Brexit could be delayed,British PM concedes in latest about-face

Brexit could be delayed,British PM concedes in latest about-face

After months insisting the UK will leave the European Union on March 29,Theresa May reveals a new plan that means it might not.

  • byNick Miller