Evocative photo trips up Boris Johnson in final days of British election

Evocative photo trips up Boris Johnson in final days of British election

Shown the picture during a television interview,the Prime Minister initially refused to look and even took the reporter's phone and put it in his pocket.

  • byBevan Shields


Johnson could scrap $200 billion high speed rail link

Johnson could scrap $200 billion high speed rail link

The shift serves as a warning for planners considering a new network of fast trains in Australia.

  • byBevan Shields
Johnson and Corbyn's popularity ratings would offer even Prince Andrew some comfort
UK election

Johnson and Corbyn's popularity ratings would offer even Prince Andrew some comfort

Of all the fallacies in this election campaign,the myth that Thursday's poll will suddenly unite a deeply divided UK really does take the prize.

  • byBevan Shields
Immigration levels will be cut if Conservatives win,Boris Johnson says

Immigration levels will be cut if Conservatives win,Boris Johnson says

Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has weighed into the British election warning against a Labour victory.

  • byBevan Shields
Former Conservative PM John Major tells Brits to vote against Tories in three key seats

Former Conservative PM John Major tells Brits to vote against Tories in three key seats

John Major has long been a critic of Brexit but his intervention has undermined claims of Tory unity and raised new doubts over Brexit.

  • byBevan Shields
Australians tell us how they'll vote in the British election - and why

Australians tell us how they'll vote in the British election - and why

A law that allows Australians to vote in British elections if they have the right to live there,is something these expats intend to take advantage of.

  • byLatika Bourke
Malcolm Turnbull urges British PM to fight back against'absurd'health claims
UK election

Malcolm Turnbull urges British PM to fight back against'absurd'health claims

Jeremy Corbyn's claims about the future of the National Health Service bears the hallmarks of Bill Shorten's controversial 2016 Mediscare tactic.

  • byBevan Shields
Labour borrows a play from Bill Shorten's handbook to fight election

Labour borrows a play from Bill Shorten's handbook to fight election

Jeremy Corbyn is hammering the highly misleading but politically potent claim that a Tory victory would see the NHS"sold off".

  • byBevan Shields
'A very,very nasty statement':Trump and Macron clash ahead of NATO summit

'A very,very nasty statement':Trump and Macron clash ahead of NATO summit

US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron have traded verbal blows in extraordinary scenes in London.

  • byLatika Bourke
Tories ask Trump to keep quiet,say backing Boris will be kiss of death

Tories ask Trump to keep quiet,say backing Boris will be kiss of death

Donald Trump's advisers fear he may not be able to stop himself intervening in the UK election when he visits London for a Nato summit this week.

  • byNick Allen
Surge in voter registrations before British election deadline

Surge in voter registrations before British election deadline

The independent Electoral Reform Society said 3.2 million people registered to vote in the 48 hours before the deadline.

  • byLatika Bourke