We are encouraged to believe that carefully selected work can provide rich rewards beyond money.
Jobs market is still strong but is starting to slow,says the Reserve Bank. But rather than a big jump in unemployment,the bank thinks hours will be cut.
Not all undergraduate degrees are equal when it comes to finding work after university.
Women are voting with their feet in a move to flexible full-time rather than traditional part-time work,a significant snapshot of Australian workplaces reveals.
There have always been good and bad aspects to part-time work. But its nature has changed significantly recently – and it’s potentially to employees’ benefit.
Email has morphed into the scourge of the modern workplace.
Follow these simple strategies and significantly improve your ability to attain your dream job.
How the decision-makers responded to your answer can be important.
From toenail clippings on the office carpet to bathing with the office kitchen sponge,it seems as if everyone’s colleagues are dragging them down.
Nearly a month ago,Wall Street plunged in response to a shock set of US job figures. Overnight,the market plunged again,in expectation of more bleak numbers this week.
Chief executives and former international students say caps risk damaging the reputation of Australian tech education at a time when more talent,not less,is needed.