Older renters who end up on the dole before reaching pension age are the most financially vulnerable retirees,a new report shows,as social services groups put the Morrison government under pressure to increase JobSeeker.
While some readers said that the unemployed expected too much from government,and JobSeeker was only ever designed to be a short-term safety net,for others it was simple:Australia can and must do better to help those out of work.
One word keeps coming up in phone calls with MPs,business groups and economists this year when asking about unemployment benefits:disincentive.
A major employer group wants higher rent assistance to be considered before the dole is hiked over concerns the JobSeeker rate is discouraging people getting back to work.
People from all walks of life in Sydney have been affected by reduced income support.
This is not the suffering Olympics. It sucks to lose your job at any age,especially in the middle of a recession.
It's time for a permanent rise in the JobSeeker allowance.
More than a million unemployed Australians will get a smaller but extended coronavirus supplement after Christmas but experts called on the government to lock in a permanent increase to JobSeeker to avoid a new fiscal cliff next year.
Unemployed Australians will have the temporary coronavirus supplement extended into next year,but at a reduced rate.
Any extra income support for unemployed Australians is expected to be in the form of"temporary"help.
A basic income paid to most working-age adults would cut poverty and promote social equity,new research has found.