Yemen has been the Saudi crown prince’s war. Now it’s his quagmire

Yemen has been the Saudi crown prince’s war. Now it’s his quagmire

The withdrawal of Mohammed bin Salman's main Middle Eastern ally means he will turn to Washington. Can Trump help the Saudi prince's Yemen campaign?

  • byDavid Kirkpatrick


US wants Britain to leave EU,says John Bolton

US wants Britain to leave EU,says John Bolton

John Bolton,the US national security adviser says Brexit offers a chance for Britain to become a"strong and independent country".

  • byCon Coughlin
John Bolton a'defective,''structurally flawed'war-monger says North Korea

John Bolton a'defective,''structurally flawed'war-monger says North Korea

"Bolton should not be called a security adviser who works to secure security,but an adviser for security destruction,"says a spokesman.

  • byKim Tong-Hyung
US threatens quick response if Syria uses chemical attacks again

US threatens quick response if Syria uses chemical attacks again

The United States sees signs the Syrian government may be using chemical weapons,including an alleged chlorine attack last Sunday.

  • byDavid Brunnstrom,Idrees Ali andEric Beech
White House reviews plan to send 120,000 troops to Iran,in echoes of Iraq War

White House reviews plan to send 120,000 troops to Iran,in echoes of Iraq War

At a meeting of President Donald Trump's top national security aides,acting Defence Secretary presented an extraordinary military plan.

  • byEric Schmitt andJulian E. Barnes
Putin envoy in Caracas rejects US revival of Monroe Doctrine

Putin envoy in Caracas rejects US revival of Monroe Doctrine

Russian Ambassador rejected an assertion this week by US National Security Adviser John Bolton that the 1823 Monroe Doctrine is"alive and well."

  • byJosh Goodman
Trump adviser John Bolton warns of Huawei's'Manchurian'chips

Trump adviser John Bolton warns of Huawei's'Manchurian'chips

Trump's national security adviser says China's attempts to influence opinion in the US and Australia"is far greater in magnitude"than any seen in history.

  • byPeter Mitchell
Venezuelans take to streets in walkout to push Maduro out

Venezuelans take to streets in walkout to push Maduro out

People gathered on the streets of Venezuela's capital on Wednesday,waving their nation's flag and demanding Nicolas Maduro step down from power.

  • byScott Smith
No timetable for Syria withdrawal:Bolton casts doubt on Trump's plans

No timetable for Syria withdrawal:Bolton casts doubt on Trump's plans

Donald Trump's national security adviser has cast fresh doubt on the US President's announced withdrawal of American troops from Syria.

Bolton says Russian meddling in US elections hardly had any effect

Bolton says Russian meddling in US elections hardly had any effect

US National Security Advisor John Bolton said on Monday Russian meddling in US elections had hardly had any real effect.

John Kelly,John Bolton heard in shouting match outside Oval Office

John Kelly,John Bolton heard in shouting match outside Oval Office

President Donald Trump's chief of staff and his national security adviser engaged in a profanity-laced argument outside the Oval Office.