The political classes are stuck and the consequences could be catastrophic

The political classes are stuck and the consequences could be catastrophic

Two things amazed me about the commentary following the match-up between the Greens and the National's leader on climate change.

  • bySean Kelly


Greens leader side-steps questions over'arsonists'claim

Greens leader side-steps questions over'arsonists'claim

Richard Di Natale side-stepped questions about whether the major parties are"no better than arsonists"and called on the government to meet former fire chiefs.

  • byDavid Crowe
'Take it down a few notches':Morrison urges calm as fire blame game escalates

'Take it down a few notches':Morrison urges calm as fire blame game escalates

The Prime Minister's plea came after Greens senator Jordon Steele-John accused the two major parties of being"no better than a bunch of arsonists".

  • byDavid Crowe andMax Koslowski