Hundreds of workers,most of them in Brisbane,could soon be made redundant because of Queensland project delays and executive-level blunders.
Kerry Schott’s detailed investigation of the calamitous Inland Rail megaproject has thrust into public view what observers have warned for years.
The government has committed to a section of the freight link from Melbourne to Central West NSW but will commission an independent cost assessment before deciding the future of the rest.
A scathing report has blamed the “astonishing” increase on basic failures in planning and project delivery by the Australian Rail Track Corporation.
The Commonwealth’s former top energy adviser has called for the Greens to back Labor’s safeguard mechanism,stressing the urgency for polluters to start cutting emissions.
Billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes’ push to install new directors to AGL has won the backing of an influential shareholder adviser ahead of a crucial vote.
Labor says the 1700-kilometre line “will be built” but the new review will help keep the project – which could cost up to $20 billion – on track.
Energy ministers are considering a clean energy transition plan that uses gas-fired power to manage the switch to renewables,but some are ruling out fossil fuels.
Energy Minister Angus Taylor says the government won’t become central planners deciding if coal,gas or clean energy are used to drive Australia’s energy revolution.
The future of coal power is being buried under the rise of cheaper renewables and the Commonwealth’s energy adviser says urgent reform is needed for the transition.