Teaching kids a bit about budgeting and delayed gratification can help set them up for future wealth and wellbeing.
As I set off on the adventure of a lifetime,I never dreamed my writing career was also set to soar.
Yes,it brings greater freedom,a cleaner home and more time,but having all your children leave home does not necessarily mean new-found happiness. In fact,it’s overrated.
The NSW premier insists the fund would provide generational financial security,but says he would not draw on the scheme himself.
Theory taught in school can quickly be undermined if those ‘money lessons’ are not reinforced or role-modelled at home.
A new financial literacy program aimed at Australian schools is hoping to help kids make informed decisions amid a worrying decline in financial know-how.
More Perth parents are opting out of the rat race in favour of travelling around Australia indefinitely with their kids.
If you want to invest money on behalf of your children,there are a number of options.
My young children and I have been crying out for a real savings option. With rates up 2.75 per cent since May,it couldn’t be better timing.
Asking the important dollar coin questions.
NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell announced the end of school banking programs effective from the start of 2022.