'Don't boil the ocean':Labor Right plots the party's return to power

'Don't boil the ocean':Labor Right plots the party's return to power

Dozens of leading Labor figures are warning the party will again fail at the next federal election,penning essays for a new book on how the party must govern in the future.

  • byRob Harris


Senior Republican senator Marco Rubio slams Beijing for'bullying'Australia

Senior Republican senator Marco Rubio slams Beijing for'bullying'Australia

Rubio has lashed Beijing for its"economic coercion"against Australia,saying it is important for a global alliance of democracies to speak up in support of Canberra.

  • byAnthony Galloway andEryk Bagshaw
Seeing Red:Labor's China problem

Seeing Red:Labor's China problem

An encounter over a seemingly innocuous sticker on a Labor senator's office door underscored the bitter divisions within Labor over China.

  • byAnthony Galloway
Australia Post chair,board members refuse to face Senate estimates grilling

Australia Post chair,board members refuse to face Senate estimates grilling

The no-show has led the federal opposition to label the current board"a swamp of former Liberal politicians and party hacks".

  • byRob Harris
Australia Post hired $3000-a-day reputation manager as it wound back deliveries

Australia Post hired $3000-a-day reputation manager as it wound back deliveries

Australia Post hired a leading public relations consultant as it tried to justify less frequent deliveries,while the CEO spent about $300,000 on corporate credit cards.

  • byRob Harris
Liberal senators put Port of Darwin sale on agenda of veto power inquiry

Liberal senators put Port of Darwin sale on agenda of veto power inquiry

The 99-year lease of the Port of Darwin to a Chinese-owned company will be scrutinised by a parliamentary inquiry into the Morrison government’s foreign veto power legislation.

  • byAnthony Galloway
China,UN blasted by Labor senator over coronavirus response,view on Israel

China,UN blasted by Labor senator over coronavirus response,view on Israel

Kimberley Kitching has accused China of"neo-Stalinist domestic policies"and displaying"belligerent and hegemonic behaviour in the international arena".

  • byAnthony Galloway
China forces 500,000 Tibetans into labour camps

China forces 500,000 Tibetans into labour camps

China is pushing hundreds of thousands of Tibetans into forced labour camps as a campaign to strip Beijing of the Winter Olympics gains momentum.

  • byAnthony Galloway andEryk Bagshaw
'Go for the whole hog':MPs push for parliamentary probe into CCP influence at universities

'Go for the whole hog':MPs push for parliamentary probe into CCP influence at universities

There is growing appetite across the major parties and crossbench for increased scrutiny of universities'reliance on China.

  • byFergus Hunter andEryk Bagshaw
MPs from eight countries form new global coalition to counter China

MPs from eight countries form new global coalition to counter China

The MPs represent parties from across the political spectrum but have been united by a common cause - standing up to China.

  • byLatika Bourke
Victorian Treasurer's China comments spark outrage among federal colleagues

Victorian Treasurer's China comments spark outrage among federal colleagues

After the Victorian Treasurer blamed the Morrison government for triggering tariffs on up to $1 billion of Australian exports.

  • byAnthony Galloway andEryk Bagshaw