Delta-driven economic hit could be worse than expected,fuelling Omicron fears

Delta-driven economic hit could be worse than expected,fuelling Omicron fears

Strict lockdowns to stop the spread of Delta may have hit the economy harder than expected,fuelling fears the recovery from the pandemic could be derailed by the new Omicron variant.

  • byJennifer Duke andShane Wright


New corporate climate reporting standard ‘a game-changer’

New corporate climate reporting standard ‘a game-changer’

Failure to adopt new reporting standards by Australian companies may see their share prices take a hit and capital raising in international markets become harder.

  • byJohn Collett
‘Just let it go’:ASIC taken to task for not investigating KPMG cheating scandal

‘Just let it go’:ASIC taken to task for not investigating KPMG cheating scandal

The corporate regulator has been challenged over its lack of action against the accounting firm after a US watchdog found 12 per cent of staff had cheated on important training tests.

  • bySarah Danckert
‘Unethical behaviour’:KPMG Australia fined by US watchdog

‘Unethical behaviour’:KPMG Australia fined by US watchdog

Two partners have left the firm over a widespread cheating scandal that involved more than 1,100 staff,including 250 auditors.

  • bySarah Danckert
Degrees not required but ‘working class’ targets miss the mark

Degrees not required but ‘working class’ targets miss the mark

Degrees are no longer a necessity when recruiting but specific targets for hiring staff from “working class” background are still some way off in Australia.

  • byCara Waters
‘Can do’ mindset or arrogance? Behind the poor record-keeping of Leppington land deal

‘Can do’ mindset or arrogance? Behind the poor record-keeping of Leppington land deal

A review of the culture of the public servants involved in the Leppington Triangle deal finds their “can do” attitude may have led to poor record-keeping.

  • byKatina Curtis
Pandemic blamed as disability service provider enters voluntary administration

Pandemic blamed as disability service provider enters voluntary administration

Disability Services Australia called in KPMG to oversee its voluntary administration on Wednesday.

  • byRachel Clun
Ex-NSW Transport chief feared controversial rail entity posed safety risk

Ex-NSW Transport chief feared controversial rail entity posed safety risk

Before he was sacked last November,Rodd Staples raised safety as a “key issue” in the setting up of the $40 billion rail corporation.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan andAdele Ferguson
Back-to-school plan:NSW scopes hotspots,vaccine targets and who returns first

Back-to-school plan:NSW scopes hotspots,vaccine targets and who returns first

The NSW Department of Education has hired consultancy firm KPMG to help design a back-to-school plan that will look at different approaches for hotspot areas,the vaccination rates that could trigger a return and which year groups should come back first.

  • byJordan Baker
Services Australia used ‘learner’ staff to process complex robodebt refunds

Services Australia used ‘learner’ staff to process complex robodebt refunds

A report the government used to argue robodebt refunds were calculated properly revealed “learner” staff performed the complex task of assessing who was entitled to a refund.

  • byNick Bonyhady
Economy set for $10b lockdown hit

Economy set for $10b lockdown hit

KPMG estimates the lockdown in Sydney will cost about $220 million a day while in Victoria the cost will be closer to $150 million a day.

  • byShane Wright