Mick Fanning’s scoliosis led him to breath work. Now,it’s key to his success

Mick Fanning’s scoliosis led him to breath work. Now,it’s key to his success

Some people view it as ‘weird hippie stuff’,but learning how to breathe better may just be the most underrated performance tool.

  • bySarah Berry


How to stop midlife spread – in your 30s,40s,50s and beyond

How to stop midlife spread – in your 30s,40s,50s and beyond

The good news is that no matter what your age,you can do something about weight gain.

  • byLauren Libbert
Are massage guns worth the hype – and the big bucks?

Are massage guns worth the hype – and the big bucks?

Massage guns,costing close to $1000,are spruiked as being a muscle recovery tool that brings the luxury of massage to your home. But the science behind them is questionable.

  • bySophie Aubrey
A new tool aims to tackle Australia’s ‘number one diet issue’

A new tool aims to tackle Australia’s ‘number one diet issue’

Too many of us are eating too many discretionary foods – that’s cakes and biscuits,alcohol and savoury pastries. Could tracking our junk food intake help curb it?

  • bySarah Berry
Sugar,salt,exercise:the truth about improving athletic performance

Sugar,salt,exercise:the truth about improving athletic performance

Some athletes use sugar and salt strategically to minimise the risk of cramps,enhance ability and recovery. Is it poor practice or is it smart to sweeten up your workout?

  • bySarah Berry
Can you make your brain work harder for you?

Can you make your brain work harder for you?

To better cope with stress,uncertainty and challenges,neuroscience research increasingly points to the concept of brain fitness.

  • bySarah Berry
What hitting the snooze alarm means for you and your partner’s sleep

What hitting the snooze alarm means for you and your partner’s sleep

Sleep experts say that more often than not,if someone is regularly hitting the snooze button,it’s because there’s a problem – and the fix can be simple.

  • bySophie Aubrey
Body feeling crumpled from sitting while working? Change your desk

Body feeling crumpled from sitting while working? Change your desk

Yes,standing desks are still worth the hype,according to a spinal and neurosurgeon,who says neck and back complaints are rife among workers.

  • byEvelyn Lewin
Can’t lose weight? It probably has nothing to do with exercise

Can’t lose weight? It probably has nothing to do with exercise

Exercise is vitally important for your health – it just won’t make you thin. It’s time for a rethink of how our metabolic engines work.

  • byRosa Silverman
Silk pillowcases claim to improve sleep,skin,hair. But do they work?

Silk pillowcases claim to improve sleep,skin,hair. But do they work?

Silk pillowcases are now stocked in just about any store that sells bedding and beauty products,often costing close to $100. We examine the claims – plus a nifty trick for ensuring that you're buying real silk.

  • bySophie Aubrey
How much is too much to spend on a gym membership?

How much is too much to spend on a gym membership?

Look at the fees of Australia's trendiest gyms and some of us are paying a very pretty penny in the name of fitness. To determine whether the cost is right for you,start with your budget.

  • bySophie Aubrey