As always,the real action was in the swanky seats.
Lachlan Murdoch is racing ahead in the betting game
With mounting resignations,loss of support from his MPs and a police investigation into ‘partygate’,the UK Prime Minister has called on Australian strategists in a desperate attempt to save his leadership.
The British PM will turn to his longtime ally,Lynton Crosby,to help save his leadership in the wake of the ‘Partygate’ scandal.
Dominic Cummings,the Prime Minister's chief adviser,has left Downing Street for the last time after a spectacular powerplay.
The Australian political strategist argues that voters are willing governments to succeed even if mistakes have been made.
Kiwi digital gurus,whose efforts in Australia saw the Liberals outclass Labor online,have been signed up to work for the Tories poised for a snap election.
Isaac Levido quit his job as deputy director of the Liberal Party on Friday and will begin work to put the Conservative Party on a war-footing.
No doubt the show's producers have been keen to keep their Bachelor's day job at the troubled bank on the down-low.
The political strategist is understood to have advised the Australian prime minister for weeks in the run-up to his surprise election win.
Little has been heard from the famous pollster since the disastrous results of his campaigns for Theresa May and Malcolm Turnbull.