Former Treasury secretary Ted Evans dead at 79

Former Treasury secretary Ted Evans dead at 79

The former Treasury secretary helped guide Australia through two decades of economic growth and served both the Keating and Howard governments.

  • byEryk Bagshaw


Time to replace stamp duty with a fairer land tax

Time to replace stamp duty with a fairer land tax

Stamp duty on home purchases continues to be a major cash cow for the NSW government. But a land tax,which exempts existing homeowners,would be more equitable.

  • The Herald's View
Federal government should get out of school funding,says former top bureaucrat

Federal government should get out of school funding,says former top bureaucrat

Martin Parkinson,who helmed the federal bureaucracy,said voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results.

  • byJessica Irvine andNatassia Chrysanthos
'It’s just a bad tax':former Treasury heads unite to slam stamp duty
Tax reform

'It’s just a bad tax':former Treasury heads unite to slam stamp duty

Two former Treasury Secretaries will on Monday advocate abolishing stamp duty in favour of a broad-based land tax exempting farmers and existing homeowners.

  • byJessica Irvine
Pyne under fire for comments about cyber attack on Parliament

Pyne under fire for comments about cyber attack on Parliament

Former defence minister Christopher Pyne has been rebuked by Federal Parliament for suggesting a cyber attack was"much worse"than the public had been told.

  • byAnthony Galloway andRob Harris
'Power would have been cheaper':regrets and rancour 10 years after carbon scheme defeated

'Power would have been cheaper':regrets and rancour 10 years after carbon scheme defeated

Australians would enjoy lower power prices today if Federal Parliament had not vetoed a plan 10 years ago to reduce the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions,according to those who fought to put the scheme in place.

  • byDavid Crowe
Top bureaucrat backs Pyne,Bishop findings

Top bureaucrat backs Pyne,Bishop findings

Australia's most senior bureaucrat has denied Christopher Pyne's registration as a lobbyist was relevant to an investigation into whether the former defence minister's post-politics job broke ministerial rules.

  • byMatt Coughlan
Economists:lonely,misunderstood angels in shining armour

Economists:lonely,misunderstood angels in shining armour

If you’re tempted by the shocking thought that economists end up as handmaidens to the rich and powerful – as I’m tempted – Dr Martin Parkinson wishes to remind us that’s not how it’s supposed to be.

  • byRoss Gittins
Labor warns top bureaucrat public service's apolitical role at risk

Labor warns top bureaucrat public service's apolitical role at risk

Prime Minister's Department secretary Martin Parkinson has heard opposition warnings the bureaucracy he oversees faces a corrosive threat.

  • byDoug Dingwall
APS not a Lego set for'disorienting'restructures,Parkinson warns

APS not a Lego set for'disorienting'restructures,Parkinson warns

The bureaucracy should not be rearranged for politically-driven reasons,Martin Parkinson says.

  • byDoug Dingwall&Sally Whyte
Reviewing the public service review

Reviewing the public service review

Martin Parkinson should spend less time disparaging critics and more time making thoughtful contributions.

  • byJohn Mellors