Mikakos asks no questions,gives few answers on hotel quarantine

Mikakos asks no questions,gives few answers on hotel quarantine

Jenny Mikakos was the minister nominally responsible for Victoria's hotel quarantine program. So why wasn't she told anything about it?

  • byChip Le Grand


As it happened:Lisa Neville,Martin Pakula point finger at Health Department for hotel quarantine procedures

As it happened:Lisa Neville,Martin Pakula point finger at Health Department for hotel quarantine procedures

Two key government ministers have pointed the finger at the Health Department,saying it was in charge of Victoria's ill-fated hotel quarantine program.

  • byMarissa Calligeros
Ministers claim they were in the dark as hotel quarantine program went wrong

Ministers claim they were in the dark as hotel quarantine program went wrong

Senior Andrews government ministers have admitted they had little or no knowledge of key decisions about the ill-fated hotel quarantine program until after they were made.

  • byNoel Towell andTammy Mills
Ministers,and Victorians,in the dark on hotel quarantine decision

Ministers,and Victorians,in the dark on hotel quarantine decision

Police Minister Lisa Neville and Jobs Minister Martin Pakula were not consulted about Victoria's hotel quarantine. Nor did they seek to find out.

  • byChip Le Grand
Health Minister Jenny Mikakos was not briefed on crucial welfare concerns

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos was not briefed on crucial welfare concerns

Health Department boss Kym Peake failed to tell her minister,Jenny Mikakos,about serious welfare concerns held by Victoria's three most senior health experts over the disastrous hotel quarantine system.

  • byTammy Mills andNoel Towell
Regional tourism operators prepare for summer bonanza

Regional tourism operators prepare for summer bonanza

Venue owners expect a post lockdown bumper holiday season and they're preparing now to keep it COVID-safe.

  • byBenjamin Preiss andRoyce Millar
Patient zero for Victoria's second wave was not a security guard

Patient zero for Victoria's second wave was not a security guard

Leaked emails show the infection that started the COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria came from a staff member in hotel quarantine.

  • byRichard Baker
'Responsible for logistics':Minister says health department in charge of hotel quarantine infection control

'Responsible for logistics':Minister says health department in charge of hotel quarantine infection control

Jobs Minister Martin Pakula used his appearance before a parliamentary committee to distance himself from the lapses in hotel quarantine.

  • byMichael Fowler andChloe Booker
Leaked emails reveal government knew of problems on day one of hotel quarantine

Leaked emails reveal government knew of problems on day one of hotel quarantine

Correspondence between government departments shows top government bureaucrats were concerned about the role of security guards in the program,requesting police be called in to replace them.

  • byPaul Sakkal
Minister says'no conflict to declare'in giving mate top court job

Minister says'no conflict to declare'in giving mate top court job

Martin Pakula says his appointing of a'good mate'and former Labor Party member to the Supreme Court was all above board.

  • byNoel Towell
Victorian minister nominated'good mate'for Supreme Court

Victorian minister nominated'good mate'for Supreme Court

Martin Pakula says he followed standard procedures when he nominated Steven James Moore to be appointed to the Supreme Court bench.

  • byRichard Baker andNick McKenzie