Some women are left with worryingly high blood pressure because older-style medications suitable for use in pregnancy are scarce.
Experts have warned that supermodel Elle Macpherson has increased the risk of her breast cancer returning by rejecting treatment advised by doctors.
It may sound like magic,but using basic optics,scientists have taken a major step in the long quest to see what’s under the skin without a scalpel.
Of all the money I have contributed to the Elle Macpherson empire over the years,it’s the $13 I spent on that e-book that I regret the most.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has become crucial in the fight against HIV,but pharmacies across Australia are fast running out. Here’s what you need to know.
Following surgery,doctors advised the model to undergo a mastectomy with radiation,chemotherapy and a breast reconstruction.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex hormonal condition that affects about one in 10 Australian women. A common symptom is excess facial and body hair.
Health Minister Ryan Park praised the courage of thousands of women who shared their “deeply personal and difficult experiences” during the landmark inquiry.
An orthopaedic surgeon is talking patients out of operating on their knees and his diagnosis leaves them shocked.
Claims that large numbers of women are quitting the workforce early because menopause is not supported are unfounded and being pushed as fact,risking women’s economic security,critics say.
From medical trials to magic mushrooms,psychedelics are back in the spotlight. But for those with the little-known condition HPPD,the side effects never end.