Millions of native fish wash up dead near Menindee in outback NSW

Millions of native fish wash up dead near Menindee in outback NSW

The deaths have most likely been caused by low oxygen levels as floods recede,a situation made worse by fish needing more oxygen because of the warmer weather.

  • byStephanie Gardiner


River managers fight to save Menindee Lakes from flood of deadly blackwater

River managers fight to save Menindee Lakes from flood of deadly blackwater

A flood peak laden with deoxygenated water is pouring into the Menindee Lakes system in Far West NSW,site of the catastrophic fish kills in 2019.

  • byMike Foley
Deadly black water event triggers mass fish deaths on Parramatta River

Deadly black water event triggers mass fish deaths on Parramatta River

And a fish kill warning has been issued for the Darling River,with up to a million native fish at risk of being swamped by floodwaters.

  • byLaura Chung andMike Foley
‘Fish don’t respect borders’:Move to bolster Menindee Lakes reserves

‘Fish don’t respect borders’:Move to bolster Menindee Lakes reserves

The Berejiklian government has told other states it wants the operating rules of one of the Murray-Darling Basin’s biggest lake systems changed to cut the risks of mass fish kills on the Darling River.

  • byPeter Hannam
From desert to inland sea as 800 billion litres flows into Menindee Lakes

From desert to inland sea as 800 billion litres flows into Menindee Lakes

Menindee Lakes,one of the largest lake systems in the Murray-Darling Basin,are filling fast with the biggest inflows in five years,allowing releases into the Baaka-Darling River downstream.

  • byPeter Hannam
Big inland flows to fill Menindee Lakes for first time in five years

Big inland flows to fill Menindee Lakes for first time in five years

Residents of far-western NSW are gearing up for the arrival of floodwaters down the Barwon-Darling,giving Menindee Lakes its first big fill in five years.

  • byPeter Hannam
‘World of hurt’:Toxic blooms take over Lower Darling River as dam debate ramps up

‘World of hurt’:Toxic blooms take over Lower Darling River as dam debate ramps up

A red-alert for toxic cyanobacterial blooms has been issued for almost the entire Lower Darling River,with fears another big fish kill is imminent without significant new flows.

  • byPeter Hannam
Menindee Lakes:Site of massive fish-kill still being mismanaged

Menindee Lakes:Site of massive fish-kill still being mismanaged

The Menindee Lakes,1000 kilometres west of Sydney,need urgent protection to avoid another ecological disaster.

  • byJane MacAllister
Berejiklian says NSW is emerging from drought as fish returned to Darling River

Berejiklian says NSW is emerging from drought as fish returned to Darling River

More than 60,000 Murray cod were returned to the Darling River near Menindee after hundreds of thousands of fish were killed two years ago.

  • byAlexandra Smith
Two million fish to be released into Murray-Darling system

Two million fish to be released into Murray-Darling system

After massive fish death events in multiple locations across the basin over the past 18 months comes a welcome restocking.

  • byLisa Visentin
'Like a kid at Christmas':Menindee Lakes finally start to fill again

'Like a kid at Christmas':Menindee Lakes finally start to fill again

Residents of far-western NSW are celebrating the arrival of the first major river flows to reach the Menindee Lakes since 2016.

  • byPeter Hannam