'I knew teenage girls did it':male eating disorders are on the rise

'I knew teenage girls did it':male eating disorders are on the rise

According to the Butterfly Foundation,more than 360,000 Australian men are living with an eating disorder.

  • bySarah Berry


Tracking Australia's eating disorder crisis:$5m to meet'urgent need'

Tracking Australia's eating disorder crisis:$5m to meet'urgent need'

Funding announced by the Morrison government will give researchers their first picture of eating disorders in Australia

  • byCarrie Fellner
'I’m ruining my body':the secret that prevented Kylie seeking help

'I’m ruining my body':the secret that prevented Kylie seeking help

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness,and one form alone affects more than 356,000 Australians.

  • bySarah Berry
Scientists map the genetic markers for major mental illnesses

Scientists map the genetic markers for major mental illnesses

It's hoped targeted therapies can be developed for sufferers of schizophrenia,bipolar disorder,depression and ADHD,following a genetic research breakthrough.

  • byStuart Layt
'We care':A community comes together to save lives on the beaches

'We care':A community comes together to save lives on the beaches

A new group on the Northern Beaches wants to break the taboo about talking about mental health and suicide.

  • byJulie Power
Remove'underweight'from anorexia diagnosis:eating disorder expert

Remove'underweight'from anorexia diagnosis:eating disorder expert

Remove'underweight'from diagnostic criteria for anorexia and throw out all eating disorder classifications altogether,a leading Australian psychiatrist says.

  • byKate Aubusson
Queensland researchers working on a way to'turn off'fear

Queensland researchers working on a way to'turn off'fear

Queensland researchers have figured out how fear encodes itself in our brains,and are working on a way to turn it off.

  • byStuart Layt
B. Smith's illness was taking a toll on her husband;then he found another love

B. Smith's illness was taking a toll on her husband;then he found another love

Six years ago,"the black Martha Stewart"was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Her husband cared for her until he met another woman. He told all on Facebook and the trolling began.

  • byLavanya Ramanathan
Care,collaborate,connect:new approach to suicide prevention

Care,collaborate,connect:new approach to suicide prevention

A South Australian academic says we need a new approach to preventing suicide based on coping skills,not crisis management.

  • byRichard Woolveridge
Medicare review of psychologists derailed by professional stoush

Medicare review of psychologists derailed by professional stoush

Concerns were raised that proposed changes would prevent vulnerable Australians from accessing rebates for therapy sessions.

  • byDana McCauley
Queensland paramedic refused PTSD compensation
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Queensland paramedic refused PTSD compensation

A paramedic claiming to suffer post traumatic stress after working in the remote Queensland community of Doomadgee has had an application for compensation dismissed.

  • byRobyn Wuth