No smoke and no fire:ABC review was no more than a sop to One Nation

No smoke and no fire:ABC review was no more than a sop to One Nation

If the government wants major change at the ABC it will need to use a different review,which it is currently keeping secret.

  • byMichael Koziol


ABC and SBS cleared by review into claims they compete unfairly with commercial rivals

ABC and SBS cleared by review into claims they compete unfairly with commercial rivals

The report spectacularly rejected claims by media companies that the ABC was undermining the level-playing field.

  • byMichael Koziol&Jennifer Duke
ABC uses chaos at the top to demand more money and'funding certainty'

ABC uses chaos at the top to demand more money and'funding certainty'

The broadcaster said government control over its budget could influence or be seen to influence its editorial independence.

  • byMichael Koziol
Former SBS boss says entire ABC board should consider resigning
ABC wars

Former SBS boss says entire ABC board should consider resigning

Michael Ebeid,who left SBS last month,called for wholesale changes to the way directors of both broadcasters are chosen.

  • byMichael Koziol
Aspiring ABC boss David Anderson sought a redundancy from Michelle Guthrie

Aspiring ABC boss David Anderson sought a redundancy from Michelle Guthrie

Liberal senator and ABC critic Eric Abetz accused Mr Anderson of attempting to"game the system".

  • byMichael Koziol
ABC investigation fails to answer key questions about the downfall of Michelle Guthrie and Justin Milne

ABC investigation fails to answer key questions about the downfall of Michelle Guthrie and Justin Milne

In a nine-page report,the communications secretary said he was"not in a position"to evaluate competing claims.

  • byMichael Koziol
'Turning point':Mitch Fifield flags further government regulation of the internet

'Turning point':Mitch Fifield flags further government regulation of the internet

"Fake news"and exploitation of personal data are in the minister's sights as he awaits a key report.

  • byMichael Koziol
Funding fights and content clashes:turbulent times are not yet over for battered ABC

Funding fights and content clashes:turbulent times are not yet over for battered ABC

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield already has in hand a document that could create further upheaval at the public broadcaster.

  • byMichael Koziol&Jennifer Duke
Tonightly c--- skit:Ex-ABC chairman wanted to change editorial policy

Tonightly c--- skit:Ex-ABC chairman wanted to change editorial policy

Former ABC chairman Justin Milne was so enraged by an episode of an ABC TV show that labelled a conservative political candidate a “c--t” that he demanded editorial policies be changed.

  • byJennifer Duke&Michael Koziol
A pitch to Mitch. Getting back on track is easy as your ABC,minister
ABC wars

A pitch to Mitch. Getting back on track is easy as your ABC,minister

Sketch:An application for the combined and recently vacated jobs of managing director and chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

  • byTony Wright
ABC chairman Justin Milne resigns

ABC chairman Justin Milne resigns

ABC employees told board members they were prepared to walk off the job if the chairman wasn’t asked to step aside.

  • byJennifer Duke&Michael Koziol