If you haven’t changed energy retailers for a few years,you are sitting on their back books. That’s not a good thing.
Don’t believe the banks when they say they cannot cut variable interest rates for existing customers. They can but are just making a decision not to do so.
Tax deductibility reduces the cost of something by whatever marginal tax rate you would have otherwise paid on that money. You still incur a cost.
It's a sad fact that Australians with wealthy parents can have an easier ride into homeownership. Accessing the"bank of mum and dad"can give you a leg-up on the property ladder.
There's no better feeling than paying for something with money you carefully set aside for a specific purpose.
Super funds have charged high fees for far too long because they know you are not watching. Don’t let them get away with it any longer.
Paying about 6 cents extra per litre for top-octane fuel may not be necessary and the savings quickly add up.
You can elect to prepay a year's worth of premiums in advance,at the old premium rate,to pocket significant savings.
For the budget conscious,the cost of the weekly shop is a constant headache. However,it really does pay to seek out the cheapest supermarket. Here's the proof.
The industry is highly price competitive,so I shopped around and saved $240.
Periodic purges can help you avoid the distress of owning too much stuff,but how best to find the balance?