How I got a 0.6 percentage point mortgage rate cut ... and you can too

How I got a 0.6 percentage point mortgage rate cut ... and you can too

Don’t believe the banks when they say they cannot cut variable interest rates for existing customers. They can but are just making a decision not to do so.

  • byJessica Irvine


Income tax returns are due on Monday. Here are seven ways I minimise my tax

Income tax returns are due on Monday. Here are seven ways I minimise my tax

Tax deductibility reduces the cost of something by whatever marginal tax rate you would have otherwise paid on that money. You still incur a cost.

  • byJessica Irvine
Five things I've learnt during my first year of home ownership

Five things I've learnt during my first year of home ownership

It's a sad fact that Australians with wealthy parents can have an easier ride into homeownership. Accessing the"bank of mum and dad"can give you a leg-up on the property ladder.

  • byJessica Irvine
It's not too late to save for a debt-free Christmas

It's not too late to save for a debt-free Christmas

There's no better feeling than paying for something with money you carefully set aside for a specific purpose.

  • byJessica Irvine
Five essentials to know about your super and where to find them

Five essentials to know about your super and where to find them

Super funds have charged high fees for far too long because they know you are not watching. Don’t let them get away with it any longer.

  • byJessica Irvine
Do you really need to use Premium 98 petrol? You be the judge

Do you really need to use Premium 98 petrol? You be the judge

Paying about 6 cents extra per litre for top-octane fuel may not be necessary and the savings quickly add up.

  • byJessica Irvine
A simple trick to save on your health insurance... but act fast

A simple trick to save on your health insurance... but act fast

You can elect to prepay a year's worth of premiums in advance,at the old premium rate,to pocket significant savings.

  • byJessica Irvine
Is Aldi really cheaper than Coles? I decided to find out

Is Aldi really cheaper than Coles? I decided to find out

For the budget conscious,the cost of the weekly shop is a constant headache. However,it really does pay to seek out the cheapest supermarket. Here's the proof.

  • byJessica Irvine
Slam the brakes on expensive new tyres

Slam the brakes on expensive new tyres

The industry is highly price competitive,so I shopped around and saved $240.

  • byJessica Irvine
I've spent zero on clothes in 2020 (with help from Marie Kondo)

I've spent zero on clothes in 2020 (with help from Marie Kondo)

Periodic purges can help you avoid the distress of owning too much stuff,but how best to find the balance?

  • byJessica Irvine
A simple rule to save money on your grocery bills

A simple rule to save money on your grocery bills

Food is the second-biggest category of household spending,but if you strip grocery shopping back to the basics there are some serious savings to be made.

  • byJessica Irvine