Why you should'hit it or quit it'when it comes to your bills

Why you should'hit it or quit it'when it comes to your bills

For many service providers,you would be surprised at the discounts available for existing clients if you simply ask.

  • byJessica Irvine


Call me Scrooge:Why I love tracking my money the old-fashioned way

Call me Scrooge:Why I love tracking my money the old-fashioned way

Nothing makes me feel more in control of my money than an old-fashioned brainstorm about what I have and where it's all going.

  • byJessica Irvine
I tried a'zero-based budget'and here's why you should too

I tried a'zero-based budget'and here's why you should too

The idea is simply that your income over a certain period,minus your expenses and savings,should equal zero.

  • byJessica Irvine
From purse strings to waistlines:why budgets and diets both fail

From purse strings to waistlines:why budgets and diets both fail

Why do we so often fail at our money or body goals? The forces at work behind both are surprisingly similar.

  • byJessica Irvine
What I learnt by tracking my spending for three months

What I learnt by tracking my spending for three months

While budgeting is not for everyone,it really is a great way to get on top of your personal finances.

  • byJessica Irvine
How I slashed my car insurance premium by more than 40 per cent

How I slashed my car insurance premium by more than 40 per cent

Make sure you get a quote for a new customer policy,not just an alteration to your existing policy. Loyalty is dead.

  • byJessica Irvine
How I cut my home insurance premium in half

How I cut my home insurance premium in half

You must consider what you would do if the worst should happen:total loss by fire,flood or theft.

  • byJessica Irvine
How to decide if you really need home and contents insurance

How to decide if you really need home and contents insurance

It comes down to how lucky you feel and how able you are to cope financially if the worst happens.

  • byJessica Irvine
Why I’ve fixed part of my mortgage at 2.19 per cent

Why I’ve fixed part of my mortgage at 2.19 per cent

There are several things to consider when facing one of the most vexed questions in personal finance.

  • byJessica Irvine
How I saved $10,000 a year by budgeting

How I saved $10,000 a year by budgeting

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt on this journey,it’s that there is dignity in every dollar in your budget. Look after your money and it will look after you.

  • byJessica Irvine
How to avoid getting ripped off by excessive super fund fees

How to avoid getting ripped off by excessive super fund fees

Paying too much in super fund fees can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement. Look at the total fee amount you are paying on your account and,if it is more than about 1 per cent,it’s time to do something about it.

  • byJessica Irvine