Latest battle for teachers’ pay has roots in decades-old conflict

Latest battle for teachers’ pay has roots in decades-old conflict

As the NSW teachers’ strike looms next week,the union is using the same tactics that brought hundreds of thousands onto the streets of Sydney in the 1980s.

  • byJordan Baker


Department vows to fight back as NSW teachers vote unanimously to strike

Department vows to fight back as NSW teachers vote unanimously to strike

The NSW Teachers Federation has voted to take a full day of industrial action as a pay dispute with the state government escalates.

  • byCameron Gooley
Crisis in education a test for Perrottet government

Crisis in education a test for Perrottet government

Teaching salary levels send the wrong signal to young people considering a career in education.

  • byGeoff Gallop
‘Kids locked in bedrooms’:Delays notifying families about COVID-19 at school

‘Kids locked in bedrooms’:Delays notifying families about COVID-19 at school

Some students have received positive COVID-19 results two days before the rest of the school community was told to isolate.

  • byJordan Baker
All pupils return to school as NSW records 294 local COVID-19 cases,four deaths

All pupils return to school as NSW records 294 local COVID-19 cases,four deaths

More than 500,000 students in years 2 to 11 returned to class across the state today,a week after kindergarten,year 1 and year 12 students went back to school.

  • bySarah McPhee andMary Ward
Public school teacher shortage raises fears they will ‘run out of teachers’

Public school teacher shortage raises fears they will ‘run out of teachers’

Confidential departmental documents show NSW government schools face an unprecedented lack of teachers and are likely to “run out in the next five years”.

  • byJordan Baker
Industrial battle with teachers looms as students head back to school

Industrial battle with teachers looms as students head back to school

Teachers are campaigning for a wage rise of five per cent beyond the government’s cap,and say low wages are putting people off a career in classrooms.

  • byJordan Baker
Teachers can enter red zone for work,but those who live within cannot leave

Teachers can enter red zone for work,but those who live within cannot leave

Teachers in locked-down south-western Sydney will not be able to attend work in person outside the red zone under the harsher lockdown restrictions announced on Saturday.

  • byCaitlin Fitzsimmons
NSW schools struggle to find teachers as supply collapses

NSW schools struggle to find teachers as supply collapses

The shortage is biting statewide as some schools battle to fill more than 10 vacancies each. At the same time,enrolment numbers for education degrees have fallen by a third - with half of trainees failing to finish their degree.

  • byJordan Baker
Teacher salaries must reflect importance of their work

Teacher salaries must reflect importance of their work

A toxic mix of workload pressures and salary disparity has led to serious teacher shortages.

  • byGeoff Gallop
‘Wake-up call’:Give teachers a 15 per cent pay rise,inquiry says

‘Wake-up call’:Give teachers a 15 per cent pay rise,inquiry says

A NSW Teachers Federation inquiry has called for a 10 to 15 per cent pay rise for teachers,saying low pay is dangerous to the quality of education in public schools.

  • byJordan Baker