Gitanjali Rao,15-year-old Colorado student and scientist,is named Time's Kid of the Year

Gitanjali Rao,15-year-old Colorado student and scientist,is named Time's Kid of the Year

Gitanjali Rao has used artificial intelligence and created apps to tackle contaminated drinking water,cyberbullying,opioid addiction and other social problems.


Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to criminal charges in $US8 billion settlement

Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to criminal charges in $US8 billion settlement

Prosecutors imposed significant penalties exceeding $US8 billion against OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma,although the lion's share will go unpaid.

  • byMike Spector
Tarantula venom could produce addiction-free painkillers

Tarantula venom could produce addiction-free painkillers

Queensland researchers say they've made promising steps towards turning spider venom into a viable addiction-free alternative to opioid painkillers.

  • byStuart Layt
Stop mandatory drug reporting scheme in face of coronavirus:doctors

Stop mandatory drug reporting scheme in face of coronavirus:doctors

The government has refused to delay the scheme's implementation,saying it would still be mandatory from April 1.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Growing push for Sydney's second medically supervised injecting room

Growing push for Sydney's second medically supervised injecting room

Criminologists are urging the Berejiklian government to establish another safe injecting room as data shows an increase in overdose deaths in western Sydney.

  • byAlexandra Smith
Crimes involving prescription medication explode as opioids flood market

Crimes involving prescription medication explode as opioids flood market

Crime statistics from the two states reveal police have recorded about 35,000 offences involving manufactured medicine over the past five years.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Victorian health department ignored medical guidelines on opioid scripts

Victorian health department ignored medical guidelines on opioid scripts

Victoria’s health department gave a doctor the green light to prescribe staggering amounts of opioid painkillers to a man who ended up dying of an overdose.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Opioid crisis:Australian states told to act now or suffer a public health emergency

Opioid crisis:Australian states told to act now or suffer a public health emergency

The Morrison government tells laggard states to connect to a national prescription monitoring service by the end of the year.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Australia's opioid crisis:How pain management got out of control

Australia's opioid crisis:How pain management got out of control

'We saw a system that was broken,and so many people were slipping through the cracks - including our son,'says one bereaved mother.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Sam had his wisdom teeth out at 18. It led to a raging opioid addiction

Sam had his wisdom teeth out at 18. It led to a raging opioid addiction

Every day in Australia three people die of opioid harm and a further 150 are hospitalised. Sam was lucky not to be in the former category but he's certainly been in the latter.

  • byFarrah Tomazin
Australia's opioid crisis:Deaths rise as companies encourage doctors to prescribe

Australia's opioid crisis:Deaths rise as companies encourage doctors to prescribe

Dispensing rates of opioids have skyrocketed as some become addicted via prescriptions then hit the dark web for their fix. Still governments have been slow to act.

  • byFarrah Tomazin