'Fortune favours the brave':Hamish McLennan bullish on rugby's future

'Fortune favours the brave':Hamish McLennan bullish on rugby's future

The new Rugby Australia chairman wasted no time outlining a bold agenda for the ailing game,but he faces significant challenges delivering it.

  • byGeorgina Robinson


'Time to be brave':McLennan appointed Rugby Australia chairman

'Time to be brave':McLennan appointed Rugby Australia chairman

The deputy chair of $92 billion investment management group Magellan takes charge of the game in a period of unprecedented turbulence.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
What is revealed in Rugby Australia's 2019 financial results

What is revealed in Rugby Australia's 2019 financial results

Rugby Australia and Raelene Castle tried to keep the organisation's financial results for last year under wraps but the irony is there was little need to do so.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
McLean moves to cool Ten boss as NZ announces review of Super Rugby

McLean moves to cool Ten boss as NZ announces review of Super Rugby

Rugby Australia's interim executive chairman has moved to mend the relationship with outgoing Ten boss Paul Anderson.

  • bySam Phillips
The final betrayal that caused Castle to crumble

The final betrayal that caused Castle to crumble

When RA chief executive Raelene Castle agreed to a pre-recorded TV interview on Thursday,little did she know she would be out of the job by the end of the day.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
Castle's end a mix of poor judgment,fatal missteps and rotten luck

Castle's end a mix of poor judgment,fatal missteps and rotten luck

It was not an explosive letter,signed by 10 Wallabies captains,calling for the administration to"step aside"this week that cost Castle her job.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
Castle to open books for Super Rugby chairs as Lynagh baulks at captains'letter

Castle to open books for Super Rugby chairs as Lynagh baulks at captains'letter

The meeting was set as one of the most respected Wallabies captains withdrew his support for the captains'letter which called for the RA administration to stand aside.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
Wallabies captains,players union to mine history for rugby's future

Wallabies captains,players union to mine history for rugby's future

In the Wallabies captains group,rugby players have found an independent and respected group to help deliver the"transformation"they have spoken of for weeks.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
RA chairman backs Castle even as game faces existential crisis

RA chairman backs Castle even as game faces existential crisis

Raelene Castle appears set to survive to steer rugby through the immediate coronavirus crisis. Her future,and the sport's,beyond that,is uncertain.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
19 years on from Wallabies heroics,players look to Harrison for another big play

19 years on from Wallabies heroics,players look to Harrison for another big play

Rugby Australia and the players'union won't call it a stand-off,but it is threatening the game's survival.

  • byGeorgina Robinson
Castle refuses to rule out shuttering another Super Rugby team

Castle refuses to rule out shuttering another Super Rugby team

Rugby Australia announced a three-month survival plan for the game but could not guarantee what form professional rugby would take next year.

  • byGeorgina Robinson